whoami7 - Manager
Upload File:
files >> //home/papecmvm/www/plugins/ckeditor/kcfinder/core/class/uploader.php
<?php /** This file is part of KCFinder project * * @desc Uploader class * @package KCFinder * @version 3.12 * @author Pavel Tzonkov <sunhater@sunhater.com> * @copyright 2010-2014 KCFinder Project * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPLv3 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPLv3 * @link http://kcfinder.sunhater.com */ namespace kcfinder; class uploader { /** Release version */ const VERSION = "3.20-test2"; /** Config session-overrided settings * @var array */ protected $config = array(); /** Default image driver * @var string */ protected $imageDriver = "gd"; /** Opener applocation properties * @var array */ protected $opener = array(); /** Got from $_GET['type'] or first one $config['types'] array key, if inexistant * @var string */ protected $type; /** Helper property. Local filesystem path to the Type Directory * Equivalent: $config['uploadDir'] . "/" . $type * @var string */ protected $typeDir; /** Helper property. Web URL to the Type Directory * Equivalent: $config['uploadURL'] . "/" . $type * @var string */ protected $typeURL; /** Linked to $config['types'] * @var array */ protected $types = array(); /** Settings which can override default settings if exists as keys in $config['types'][$type] array * @var array */ protected $typeSettings = array('disabled', 'theme', 'dirPerms', 'filePerms', 'denyZipDownload', 'maxImageWidth', 'maxImageHeight', 'thumbWidth', 'thumbHeight', 'jpegQuality', 'access', 'filenameChangeChars', 'dirnameChangeChars', 'denyExtensionRename', 'deniedExts', 'watermark'); /** Got from language file * @var string */ protected $charset; /** The language got from $_GET['lng'] or $_GET['lang'] or... Please see next property * @var string */ protected $lang = "en"; /** Possible language $_GET keys * @var array */ protected $langInputNames = array('lang', 'langCode', 'lng', 'language', 'lang_code'); /** Uploaded file(s) info. Linked to first $_FILES element * @var array */ protected $file; /** Next three properties are got from the current language file * @var string */ protected $dateTimeFull; // Currently not used protected $dateTimeMid; // Currently not used protected $dateTimeSmall; /** Contain Specified language labels * @var array */ protected $labels = array(); /** Session array. Please use this property instead of $_SESSION * @var array */ protected $session; /** CMS integration property (got from $_GET['cms']) * @var string */ protected $cms = ""; /** Magic method which allows read-only access to protected or private class properties * @param string $property * @return mixed */ public function __get($property) { return property_exists($this, $property) ? $this->$property : null; } public function __construct() { // SET CMS INTEGRATION PROPERTY if (isset($_GET['cms']) && $this->checkFilename($_GET['cms']) && is_file("integration/{$_GET['cms']}.php") ) $this->cms = $_GET['cms']; // LINKING UPLOADED FILE if (count($_FILES)) $this->file = &$_FILES[key($_FILES)]; // CONFIG & SESSION SETUP $session = new session("conf/config.php"); $this->config = $session->getConfig(); $this->session = &$session->values; // IMAGE DRIVER INIT if (isset($this->config['imageDriversPriority'])) { $this->config['imageDriversPriority'] = text::clearWhitespaces($this->config['imageDriversPriority']); $driver = image::getDriver(explode(' ', $this->config['imageDriversPriority'])); if ($driver !== false) $this->imageDriver = $driver; } if ((!isset($driver) || ($driver === false)) && (image::getDriver(array($this->imageDriver)) === false) ) $this->backMsg("Cannot find any of the supported PHP image extensions!"); // WATERMARK INIT if (isset($this->config['watermark']) && is_string($this->config['watermark'])) $this->config['watermark'] = array('file' => $this->config['watermark']); // GET TYPE DIRECTORY $this->types = &$this->config['types']; $firstType = array_keys($this->types); $firstType = $firstType[0]; $this->type = ( isset($_GET['type']) && isset($this->types[$_GET['type']]) ) ? $_GET['type'] : $firstType; // LOAD TYPE DIRECTORY SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION IF EXISTS if (is_array($this->types[$this->type])) { foreach ($this->types[$this->type] as $key => $val) if (in_array($key, $this->typeSettings)) $this->config[$key] = $val; $this->types[$this->type] = isset($this->types[$this->type]['type']) ? $this->types[$this->type]['type'] : ""; } // COOKIES INIT $ip = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)'; $ip = '/^' . implode('\.', array($ip, $ip, $ip, $ip)) . '$/'; if (preg_match($ip, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || preg_match('/^[^\.]+$/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) $this->config['cookieDomain'] = ""; elseif (!strlen($this->config['cookieDomain'])) $this->config['cookieDomain'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (!strlen($this->config['cookiePath'])) $this->config['cookiePath'] = "/"; // UPLOAD FOLDER INIT // FULL URL if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)\:\/\/([^\/^\:]+)(\:(\d+))?\/(.+)\/?$/', $this->config['uploadURL'], $patt) ) { list($unused, $protocol, $domain, $unused, $port, $path) = $patt; $path = path::normalize($path); $this->config['uploadURL'] = "$protocol://$domain" . (strlen($port) ? ":$port" : "") . "/$path"; $this->config['uploadDir'] = strlen($this->config['uploadDir']) ? path::normalize($this->config['uploadDir']) : path::url2fullPath("/$path"); $this->typeDir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->type}"; $this->typeURL = "{$this->config['uploadURL']}/{$this->type}"; // SITE ROOT } elseif ($this->config['uploadURL'] == "/") { $this->config['uploadDir'] = strlen($this->config['uploadDir']) ? path::normalize($this->config['uploadDir']) : path::normalize(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])); $this->typeDir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->type}"; $this->typeURL = "/{$this->type}"; // ABSOLUTE & RELATIVE } else { $this->config['uploadURL'] = (substr($this->config['uploadURL'], 0, 1) === "/") ? path::normalize($this->config['uploadURL']) : path::rel2abs_url($this->config['uploadURL']); $this->config['uploadDir'] = strlen($this->config['uploadDir']) ? path::normalize($this->config['uploadDir']) : path::url2fullPath($this->config['uploadURL']); $this->typeDir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->type}"; $this->typeURL = "{$this->config['uploadURL']}/{$this->type}"; } // HOST APPLICATIONS INIT if (isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum'])) { $this->opener['name'] = "ckeditor"; $this->opener['CKEditor'] = array('funcNum' => $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']); } elseif (isset($_GET['opener'])) { $this->opener['name'] = $_GET['opener']; if ($_GET['opener'] == "tinymce") { if (!isset($this->config['_tinyMCEPath']) || !strlen($this->config['_tinyMCEPath'])) $this->opener['name'] = false; } elseif ($_GET['opener'] == "tinymce4") { if (!isset($_GET['field'])) $this->opener['name'] = false; else $this->opener['TinyMCE'] = array('field' => $_GET['field']); } } else $this->opener['name'] = false; // LOCALIZATION foreach ($this->langInputNames as $key) if (isset($_GET[$key]) && preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z\._\-]*$/i', $_GET[$key]) && file_exists("lang/" . strtolower($_GET[$key]) . ".php") ) { $this->lang = $_GET[$key]; break; } $this->localize($this->lang); // IF BROWSER IS ENABLED if (!$this->config['disabled']) { // TRY TO CREATE UPLOAD DIRECTORY IF NOT EXISTS if (!$this->config['disabled'] && !is_dir($this->config['uploadDir'])) @mkdir($this->config['uploadDir'], $this->config['dirPerms']); // CHECK & MAKE DEFAULT .htaccess if (isset($this->config['_check4htaccess']) && $this->config['_check4htaccess'] ) { $htaccess = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/.htaccess"; $original = $this->get_htaccess(); if (!file_exists($htaccess)) { if (!@file_put_contents($htaccess, $original)) $this->backMsg("Cannot write to upload folder. {$this->config['uploadDir']}"); } else { if (false === ($data = @file_get_contents($htaccess))) $this->backMsg("Cannot read .htaccess"); if (($data != $original) && !@file_put_contents($htaccess, $original)) $this->backMsg("Incorrect .htaccess file. Cannot rewrite it!"); } } // CHECK & CREATE UPLOAD FOLDER if (!is_dir($this->typeDir)) { if (!mkdir($this->typeDir, $this->config['dirPerms'])) $this->backMsg("Cannot create {dir} folder.", array('dir' => $this->type)); } elseif (!is_readable($this->typeDir)) $this->backMsg("Cannot read upload folder."); } } public function upload() { $config = &$this->config; $file = &$this->file; $url = $message = ""; if ($config['disabled'] || !$config['access']['files']['upload']) { if (isset($file['tmp_name'])) @unlink($file['tmp_name']); $message = $this->label("You don't have permissions to upload files."); } elseif (true === ($message = $this->checkUploadedFile())) { $message = ""; $dir = "{$this->typeDir}/"; if (isset($_GET['dir']) && (false !== ($gdir = $this->checkInputDir($_GET['dir']))) ) { $udir = path::normalize("$dir$gdir"); if (substr($udir, 0, strlen($dir)) !== $dir) $message = $this->label("Unknown error."); else { $l = strlen($dir); $dir = "$udir/"; $udir = substr($udir, $l); } } if (!strlen($message)) { if (!is_dir(path::normalize($dir))) @mkdir(path::normalize($dir), $this->config['dirPerms'], true); $filename = $this->normalizeFilename($file['name']); $target = file::getInexistantFilename($dir . $filename); if (!@move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $target) && !@rename($file['tmp_name'], $target) && !@copy($file['tmp_name'], $target) ) $message = $this->label("Cannot move uploaded file to target folder."); else { if (function_exists('chmod')) @chmod($target, $this->config['filePerms']); $this->makeThumb($target); $url = $this->typeURL; if (isset($udir)) $url .= "/$udir"; $url .= "/" . basename($target); if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)\:\/\/([^\/^\:]+)(\:(\d+))?\/(.+)$/', $url, $patt)) { list($unused, $protocol, $domain, $unused, $port, $path) = $patt; $base = "$protocol://$domain" . (strlen($port) ? ":$port" : "") . "/"; $url = $base . path::urlPathEncode($path); } else $url = path::urlPathEncode($url); } } } if (strlen($message) && isset($this->file['tmp_name']) && file_exists($this->file['tmp_name']) ) @unlink($this->file['tmp_name']); if (strlen($message) && method_exists($this, 'errorMsg')) $this->errorMsg($message); else $this->callBack($url, $message); } protected function normalizeFilename($filename) { if (isset($this->config['filenameChangeChars']) && is_array($this->config['filenameChangeChars']) ) $filename = strtr($filename, $this->config['filenameChangeChars']); if (isset($this->config['_normalizeFilenames']) && $this->config['_normalizeFilenames']) $filename = file::normalizeFilename($filename); return $filename; } protected function normalizeDirname($dirname) { if (isset($this->config['dirnameChangeChars']) && is_array($this->config['dirnameChangeChars']) ) $dirname = strtr($dirname, $this->config['dirnameChangeChars']); if (isset($this->config['_normalizeFilenames']) && $this->config['_normalizeFilenames']) $dirname = file::normalizeFilename($dirname); return $dirname; } protected function checkFilePath($file) { $rPath = realpath($file); if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") $rPath = str_replace("\\", "/", $rPath); return (substr($rPath, 0, strlen($this->typeDir)) === $this->typeDir); } protected function checkFilename($file) { if ((basename($file) !== $file) || ( isset($this->config['_normalizeFilenames']) && $this->config['_normalizeFilenames'] && preg_match('/[^0-9a-z\.\- _]/si', $file) ) ) return false; return true; } protected function checkUploadedFile(array $aFile=null) { $config = &$this->config; $file = ($aFile === null) ? $this->file : $aFile; if (!is_array($file) || !isset($file['name'])) return $this->label("Unknown error"); if (is_array($file['name'])) { foreach ($file['name'] as $i => $name) { $return = $this->checkUploadedFile(array( 'name' => $name, 'tmp_name' => $file['tmp_name'][$i], 'error' => $file['error'][$i] )); if ($return !== true) return "$name: $return"; } return true; } $extension = file::getExtension($file['name']); $typePatt = strtolower(text::clearWhitespaces($this->types[$this->type])); // CHECK FOR UPLOAD ERRORS if ($file['error']) return ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) ? $this->label("The uploaded file exceeds {size} bytes.", array('size' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize'))) : ( ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) ? $this->label("The uploaded file exceeds {size} bytes.", array('size' => $_GET['MAX_FILE_SIZE'])) : ( ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) ? $this->label("The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.") : ( ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) ? $this->label("No file was uploaded.") : ( ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR) ? $this->label("Missing a temporary folder.") : ( ($file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) ? $this->label("Failed to write file.") : $this->label("Unknown error.") ))))); // HIDDEN FILENAMES CHECK elseif (substr($file['name'], 0, 1) == ".") return $this->label("File name shouldn't begins with '.'"); // EXTENSION CHECK elseif ( (substr($file['name'], -1) == ".") || !$this->validateExtension($extension, $this->type) ) return $this->label("Denied file extension."); // SPECIAL DIRECTORY TYPES CHECK (e.g. *img) elseif (preg_match('/^\*([^ ]+)(.*)?$/s', $typePatt, $patt)) { list($typePatt, $type, $params) = $patt; $class = __NAMESPACE__ . "\\type_$type"; if (class_exists($class)) { $type = new $class(); $cfg = $config; $cfg['filename'] = $file['name']; if (strlen($params)) $cfg['params'] = trim($params); $response = $type->checkFile($file['tmp_name'], $cfg); if ($response !== true) return $this->label($response); } else return $this->label("Non-existing directory type."); } // IMAGE RESIZE $img = image::factory($this->imageDriver, $file['tmp_name']); if (!$img->initError && !$this->imageResize($img, $file['tmp_name'])) return $this->label("The image is too big and/or cannot be resized."); return true; } protected function checkInputDir($dir, $inclType=true, $existing=true) { $dir = path::normalize($dir); if (substr($dir, 0, 1) == "/") $dir = substr($dir, 1); if ((substr($dir, 0, 1) == ".") || (substr(basename($dir), 0, 1) == ".")) return false; if ($inclType) { $first = explode("/", $dir); $first = $first[0]; if ($first != $this->type) return false; $return = $this->removeTypeFromPath($dir); } else { $return = $dir; $dir = "{$this->type}/$dir"; } if (!$existing) return $return; $path = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$dir"; return (is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) ? $return : false; } protected function validateExtension($ext, $type) { $ext = trim(strtolower($ext)); if (!isset($this->types[$type])) return false; $exts = strtolower(text::clearWhitespaces($this->config['deniedExts'])); if (strlen($exts)) { $exts = explode(" ", $exts); if (in_array($ext, $exts)) return false; } $exts = trim($this->types[$type]); if (!strlen($exts) || substr($exts, 0, 1) == "*") return true; if (substr($exts, 0, 1) == "!") { $exts = explode(" ", trim(strtolower(substr($exts, 1)))); return !in_array($ext, $exts); } $exts = explode(" ", trim(strtolower($exts))); return in_array($ext, $exts); } protected function getTypeFromPath($path) { return preg_match('/^([^\/]*)\/.*$/', $path, $patt) ? $patt[1] : $path; } protected function removeTypeFromPath($path) { return preg_match('/^[^\/]*\/(.*)$/', $path, $patt) ? $patt[1] : ""; } protected function imageResize($image, $file=null) { if (!($image instanceof image)) { $img = image::factory($this->imageDriver, $image); if ($img->initError) return false; $file = $image; } elseif ($file === null) return false; else $img = $image; $orientation = 1; if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) { $orientation = @exif_read_data($file); $orientation = isset($orientation['Orientation']) ? $orientation['Orientation'] : 1; } // IMAGE WILL NOT BE RESIZED WHEN NO WATERMARK AND SIZE IS ACCEPTABLE if (( !isset($this->config['watermark']['file']) || (!strlen(trim($this->config['watermark']['file']))) ) && ( ( !$this->config['maxImageWidth'] && !$this->config['maxImageHeight'] ) || ( ($img->width <= $this->config['maxImageWidth']) && ($img->height <= $this->config['maxImageHeight']) ) ) && ($orientation == 1) ) return true; // PROPORTIONAL RESIZE if ((!$this->config['maxImageWidth'] || !$this->config['maxImageHeight'])) { if ($this->config['maxImageWidth'] && ($this->config['maxImageWidth'] < $img->width) ) { $width = $this->config['maxImageWidth']; $height = $img->getPropHeight($width); } elseif ( $this->config['maxImageHeight'] && ($this->config['maxImageHeight'] < $img->height) ) { $height = $this->config['maxImageHeight']; $width = $img->getPropWidth($height); } if (isset($width) && isset($height) && !$img->resize($width, $height)) return false; // RESIZE TO FIT } elseif ( $this->config['maxImageWidth'] && $this->config['maxImageHeight'] && !$img->resizeFit($this->config['maxImageWidth'], $this->config['maxImageHeight']) ) return false; // AUTO FLIP AND ROTATE FROM EXIF if ((($orientation == 2) && !$img->flipHorizontal()) || (($orientation == 3) && !$img->rotate(180)) || (($orientation == 4) && !$img->flipVertical()) || (($orientation == 5) && (!$img->flipVertical() || !$img->rotate(90))) || (($orientation == 6) && !$img->rotate(90)) || (($orientation == 7) && (!$img->flipHorizontal() || !$img->rotate(90))) || (($orientation == 8) && !$img->rotate(270)) ) return false; if (($orientation >= 2) && ($orientation <= 8) && ($this->imageDriver == "imagick")) try { $img->image->setImageProperty('exif:Orientation', "1"); } catch (\Exception $e) {} // WATERMARK if (isset($this->config['watermark']['file']) && is_file($this->config['watermark']['file']) ) { $left = isset($this->config['watermark']['left']) ? $this->config['watermark']['left'] : false; $top = isset($this->config['watermark']['top']) ? $this->config['watermark']['top'] : false; $img->watermark($this->config['watermark']['file'], $left, $top); } // WRITE TO FILE return $img->output("jpeg", array( 'file' => $file, 'quality' => $this->config['jpegQuality'] )); } protected function makeThumb($file, $overwrite=true) { $img = image::factory($this->imageDriver, $file); // Drop files which are not images if ($img->initError) return true; $fimg = new fastImage($file); $type = $fimg->getType(); $fimg->close(); if ($type === false) return true; $thumb = substr($file, strlen($this->config['uploadDir'])); $thumb = $this->config['uploadDir'] . "/" . $this->config['thumbsDir'] . "/" . $thumb; $thumb = path::normalize($thumb); $thumbDir = dirname($thumb); if (!is_dir($thumbDir) && !@mkdir($thumbDir, $this->config['dirPerms'], true)) return false; if (!$overwrite && is_file($thumb)) return true; // Images with smaller resolutions than thumbnails if (($img->width <= $this->config['thumbWidth']) && ($img->height <= $this->config['thumbHeight']) ) { // Drop only browsable types if (in_array($type, array("gif", "jpeg", "png"))) return true; // Resize image } elseif (!$img->resizeFit($this->config['thumbWidth'], $this->config['thumbHeight'])) return false; // Save thumbnail $options = array('file' => $thumb); if ($type == "gif") $type = "jpeg"; if ($type == "jpeg") $options['quality'] = $this->config['jpegQuality']; return $img->output($type, $options); } protected function localize($langCode) { require "lang/{$langCode}.php"; setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang['_locale']); $this->charset = $lang['_charset']; $this->dateTimeFull = $lang['_dateTimeFull']; $this->dateTimeMid = $lang['_dateTimeMid']; $this->dateTimeSmall = $lang['_dateTimeSmall']; unset($lang['_locale']); unset($lang['_charset']); unset($lang['_dateTimeFull']); unset($lang['_dateTimeMid']); unset($lang['_dateTimeSmall']); $this->labels = $lang; } protected function label($string, array $data=null) { $return = isset($this->labels[$string]) ? $this->labels[$string] : $string; if (is_array($data)) foreach ($data as $key => $val) $return = str_replace("{{$key}}", $val, $return); return $return; } protected function backMsg($message, array $data=null) { $message = $this->label($message, $data); $tmp_name = isset($this->file['tmp_name']) ? $this->file['tmp_name'] : false; if ($tmp_name) { $tmp_name = (is_array($tmp_name) && isset($tmp_name[0])) ? $tmp_name[0] : $tmp_name; if (file_exists($tmp_name)) @unlink($tmp_name); } $this->callBack("", $message); die; } protected function callBack($url, $message="") { $message = text::jsValue($message); if ((get_class($this) == "kcfinder\\browser") && ($this->action != "browser")) return; if (isset($this->opener['name'])) { $method = "callBack_{$this->opener['name']}"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) $js = $this->$method($url, $message); } if (!isset($js)) $js = $this->callBack_default($url, $message); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$this->charset}"); echo "<html><body>$js</body></html>"; } protected function callBack_ckeditor($url, $message) { $CKfuncNum = isset($this->opener['CKEditor']['funcNum']) ? $this->opener['CKEditor']['funcNum'] : 0; if (!$CKfuncNum) $CKfuncNum = 0; return "<script type='text/javascript'> var par = window.parent, op = window.opener, o = (par && par.CKEDITOR) ? par : ((op && op.CKEDITOR) ? op : false); if (o !== false) { if (op) window.close(); o.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction($CKfuncNum, '$url', '$message'); } else { alert('$message'); if (op) window.close(); } </script>"; } protected function callBack_fckeditor($url, $message) { $n = strlen($message) ? 1 : 0; return "<script type='text/javascript'> var par = window.parent, op = window.opener, o = (op && op.OnUploadCompleted) ? op.OnUploadCompleted : ((par && par.OnUploadCompleted) ? par.OnUploadCompleted : false); if (o !== false) { if (op) window.close(); o($n, '$url', '', '$message'); } else { alert('$message'); if (op) window.close(); } </script>"; } protected function callBack_tinymce($url, $message) { return $this->callBack_default($url, $message); } protected function callBack_tinymce4($url, $message) { return $this->callBack_default($url, $message); } protected function callBack_default($url, $message) { return "<script type='text/javascript'> alert('$message'); if (window.opener) window.close(); </script>"; } protected function get_htaccess() { return file_get_contents("conf/upload.htaccess"); } }
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