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files >> //opt/alt/alt-nodejs20/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@tufjs/models/dist/root.js
"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Root = void 0; const util_1 = __importDefault(require("util")); const base_1 = require("./base"); const error_1 = require("./error"); const key_1 = require("./key"); const role_1 = require("./role"); const utils_1 = require("./utils"); /** * A container for the signed part of root metadata. * * The top-level role and metadata file signed by the root keys. * This role specifies trusted keys for all other top-level roles, which may further delegate trust. */ class Root extends base_1.Signed { constructor(options) { super(options); this.type = base_1.MetadataKind.Root; this.keys = options.keys || {}; this.consistentSnapshot = options.consistentSnapshot ?? true; if (!options.roles) { this.roles = role_1.TOP_LEVEL_ROLE_NAMES.reduce((acc, role) => ({ ...acc, [role]: new role_1.Role({ keyIDs: [], threshold: 1 }), }), {}); } else { const roleNames = new Set(Object.keys(options.roles)); if (!role_1.TOP_LEVEL_ROLE_NAMES.every((role) => roleNames.has(role))) { throw new error_1.ValueError('missing top-level role'); } this.roles = options.roles; } } addKey(key, role) { if (!this.roles[role]) { throw new error_1.ValueError(`role ${role} does not exist`); } if (!this.roles[role].keyIDs.includes(key.keyID)) { this.roles[role].keyIDs.push(key.keyID); } this.keys[key.keyID] = key; } equals(other) { if (!(other instanceof Root)) { return false; } return (super.equals(other) && this.consistentSnapshot === other.consistentSnapshot && util_1.default.isDeepStrictEqual(this.keys, other.keys) && util_1.default.isDeepStrictEqual(this.roles, other.roles)); } toJSON() { return { _type: this.type, spec_version: this.specVersion, version: this.version, expires: this.expires, keys: keysToJSON(this.keys), roles: rolesToJSON(this.roles), consistent_snapshot: this.consistentSnapshot, ...this.unrecognizedFields, }; } static fromJSON(data) { const { unrecognizedFields, ...commonFields } = base_1.Signed.commonFieldsFromJSON(data); const { keys, roles, consistent_snapshot, ...rest } = unrecognizedFields; if (typeof consistent_snapshot !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('consistent_snapshot must be a boolean'); } return new Root({ ...commonFields, keys: keysFromJSON(keys), roles: rolesFromJSON(roles), consistentSnapshot: consistent_snapshot, unrecognizedFields: rest, }); } } exports.Root = Root; function keysToJSON(keys) { return Object.entries(keys).reduce((acc, [keyID, key]) => ({ ...acc, [keyID]: key.toJSON() }), {}); } function rolesToJSON(roles) { return Object.entries(roles).reduce((acc, [roleName, role]) => ({ ...acc, [roleName]: role.toJSON() }), {}); } function keysFromJSON(data) { let keys; if (utils_1.guard.isDefined(data)) { if (!utils_1.guard.isObjectRecord(data)) { throw new TypeError('keys must be an object'); } keys = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, [keyID, keyData]) => ({ ...acc, [keyID]: key_1.Key.fromJSON(keyID, keyData), }), {}); } return keys; } function rolesFromJSON(data) { let roles; if (utils_1.guard.isDefined(data)) { if (!utils_1.guard.isObjectRecord(data)) { throw new TypeError('roles must be an object'); } roles = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, [roleName, roleData]) => ({ ...acc, [roleName]: role_1.Role.fromJSON(roleData), }), {}); } return roles; }
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