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files >> //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/git/index/fun.py
# Contains standalone functions to accompany the index implementation and make it # more versatile # NOTE: Autodoc hates it if this is a docstring from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path import os from stat import ( S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, S_ISLNK, S_ISDIR, S_IFMT, S_IFREG, S_IXUSR, ) import subprocess from git.cmd import PROC_CREATIONFLAGS, handle_process_output from git.compat import ( defenc, force_text, force_bytes, is_posix, is_win, safe_decode, ) from git.exc import UnmergedEntriesError, HookExecutionError from git.objects.fun import ( tree_to_stream, traverse_tree_recursive, traverse_trees_recursive, ) from git.util import IndexFileSHA1Writer, finalize_process from gitdb.base import IStream from gitdb.typ import str_tree_type import os.path as osp from .typ import BaseIndexEntry, IndexEntry, CE_NAMEMASK, CE_STAGESHIFT from .util import pack, unpack # typing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import Dict, IO, List, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Type, Union, cast from git.types import PathLike if TYPE_CHECKING: from .base import IndexFile from git.db import GitCmdObjectDB from git.objects.tree import TreeCacheTup # from git.objects.fun import EntryTupOrNone # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S_IFGITLINK = S_IFLNK | S_IFDIR # a submodule CE_NAMEMASK_INV = ~CE_NAMEMASK __all__ = ( "write_cache", "read_cache", "write_tree_from_cache", "entry_key", "stat_mode_to_index_mode", "S_IFGITLINK", "run_commit_hook", "hook_path", ) def hook_path(name: str, git_dir: PathLike) -> str: """:return: path to the given named hook in the given git repository directory""" return osp.join(git_dir, "hooks", name) def _has_file_extension(path): return osp.splitext(path)[1] def run_commit_hook(name: str, index: "IndexFile", *args: str) -> None: """Run the commit hook of the given name. Silently ignores hooks that do not exist. :param name: name of hook, like 'pre-commit' :param index: IndexFile instance :param args: arguments passed to hook file :raises HookExecutionError:""" hp = hook_path(name, index.repo.git_dir) if not os.access(hp, os.X_OK): return None env = os.environ.copy() env["GIT_INDEX_FILE"] = safe_decode(str(index.path)) env["GIT_EDITOR"] = ":" cmd = [hp] try: if is_win and not _has_file_extension(hp): # Windows only uses extensions to determine how to open files # (doesn't understand shebangs). Try using bash to run the hook. relative_hp = Path(hp).relative_to(index.repo.working_dir).as_posix() cmd = ["bash.exe", relative_hp] cmd = subprocess.Popen( cmd + list(args), env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=index.repo.working_dir, close_fds=is_posix, creationflags=PROC_CREATIONFLAGS, ) except Exception as ex: raise HookExecutionError(hp, ex) from ex else: stdout_list: List[str] = [] stderr_list: List[str] = [] handle_process_output(cmd, stdout_list.append, stderr_list.append, finalize_process) stdout = "".join(stdout_list) stderr = "".join(stderr_list) if cmd.returncode != 0: stdout = force_text(stdout, defenc) stderr = force_text(stderr, defenc) raise HookExecutionError(hp, cmd.returncode, stderr, stdout) # end handle return code def stat_mode_to_index_mode(mode: int) -> int: """Convert the given mode from a stat call to the corresponding index mode and return it""" if S_ISLNK(mode): # symlinks return S_IFLNK if S_ISDIR(mode) or S_IFMT(mode) == S_IFGITLINK: # submodules return S_IFGITLINK return S_IFREG | (mode & S_IXUSR and 0o755 or 0o644) # blobs with or without executable bit def write_cache( entries: Sequence[Union[BaseIndexEntry, "IndexEntry"]], stream: IO[bytes], extension_data: Union[None, bytes] = None, ShaStreamCls: Type[IndexFileSHA1Writer] = IndexFileSHA1Writer, ) -> None: """Write the cache represented by entries to a stream :param entries: **sorted** list of entries :param stream: stream to wrap into the AdapterStreamCls - it is used for final output. :param ShaStreamCls: Type to use when writing to the stream. It produces a sha while writing to it, before the data is passed on to the wrapped stream :param extension_data: any kind of data to write as a trailer, it must begin a 4 byte identifier, followed by its size ( 4 bytes )""" # wrap the stream into a compatible writer stream_sha = ShaStreamCls(stream) tell = stream_sha.tell write = stream_sha.write # header version = 2 write(b"DIRC") write(pack(">LL", version, len(entries))) # body for entry in entries: beginoffset = tell() write(entry.ctime_bytes) # ctime write(entry.mtime_bytes) # mtime path_str = str(entry.path) path: bytes = force_bytes(path_str, encoding=defenc) plen = len(path) & CE_NAMEMASK # path length assert plen == len(path), "Path %s too long to fit into index" % entry.path flags = plen | (entry.flags & CE_NAMEMASK_INV) # clear possible previous values write( pack( ">LLLLLL20sH", entry.dev, entry.inode, entry.mode, entry.uid, entry.gid, entry.size, entry.binsha, flags, ) ) write(path) real_size = (tell() - beginoffset + 8) & ~7 write(b"\0" * ((beginoffset + real_size) - tell())) # END for each entry # write previously cached extensions data if extension_data is not None: stream_sha.write(extension_data) # write the sha over the content stream_sha.write_sha() def read_header(stream: IO[bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return tuple(version_long, num_entries) from the given stream""" type_id = stream.read(4) if type_id != b"DIRC": raise AssertionError("Invalid index file header: %r" % type_id) unpacked = cast(Tuple[int, int], unpack(">LL", stream.read(4 * 2))) version, num_entries = unpacked # TODO: handle version 3: extended data, see read-cache.c assert version in (1, 2) return version, num_entries def entry_key(*entry: Union[BaseIndexEntry, PathLike, int]) -> Tuple[PathLike, int]: """:return: Key suitable to be used for the index.entries dictionary :param entry: One instance of type BaseIndexEntry or the path and the stage""" # def is_entry_key_tup(entry_key: Tuple) -> TypeGuard[Tuple[PathLike, int]]: # return isinstance(entry_key, tuple) and len(entry_key) == 2 if len(entry) == 1: entry_first = entry[0] assert isinstance(entry_first, BaseIndexEntry) return (entry_first.path, entry_first.stage) else: # assert is_entry_key_tup(entry) entry = cast(Tuple[PathLike, int], entry) return entry # END handle entry def read_cache( stream: IO[bytes], ) -> Tuple[int, Dict[Tuple[PathLike, int], "IndexEntry"], bytes, bytes]: """Read a cache file from the given stream :return: tuple(version, entries_dict, extension_data, content_sha) * version is the integer version number * entries dict is a dictionary which maps IndexEntry instances to a path at a stage * extension_data is '' or 4 bytes of type + 4 bytes of size + size bytes * content_sha is a 20 byte sha on all cache file contents""" version, num_entries = read_header(stream) count = 0 entries: Dict[Tuple[PathLike, int], "IndexEntry"] = {} read = stream.read tell = stream.tell while count < num_entries: beginoffset = tell() ctime = unpack(">8s", read(8))[0] mtime = unpack(">8s", read(8))[0] (dev, ino, mode, uid, gid, size, sha, flags) = unpack(">LLLLLL20sH", read(20 + 4 * 6 + 2)) path_size = flags & CE_NAMEMASK path = read(path_size).decode(defenc) real_size = (tell() - beginoffset + 8) & ~7 read((beginoffset + real_size) - tell()) entry = IndexEntry((mode, sha, flags, path, ctime, mtime, dev, ino, uid, gid, size)) # entry_key would be the method to use, but we safe the effort entries[(path, entry.stage)] = entry count += 1 # END for each entry # the footer contains extension data and a sha on the content so far # Keep the extension footer,and verify we have a sha in the end # Extension data format is: # 4 bytes ID # 4 bytes length of chunk # repeated 0 - N times extension_data = stream.read(~0) assert ( len(extension_data) > 19 ), "Index Footer was not at least a sha on content as it was only %i bytes in size" % len(extension_data) content_sha = extension_data[-20:] # truncate the sha in the end as we will dynamically create it anyway extension_data = extension_data[:-20] return (version, entries, extension_data, content_sha) def write_tree_from_cache( entries: List[IndexEntry], odb: "GitCmdObjectDB", sl: slice, si: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[bytes, List["TreeCacheTup"]]: """Create a tree from the given sorted list of entries and put the respective trees into the given object database :param entries: **sorted** list of IndexEntries :param odb: object database to store the trees in :param si: start index at which we should start creating subtrees :param sl: slice indicating the range we should process on the entries list :return: tuple(binsha, list(tree_entry, ...)) a tuple of a sha and a list of tree entries being a tuple of hexsha, mode, name""" tree_items: List["TreeCacheTup"] = [] ci = sl.start end = sl.stop while ci < end: entry = entries[ci] if entry.stage != 0: raise UnmergedEntriesError(entry) # END abort on unmerged ci += 1 rbound = entry.path.find("/", si) if rbound == -1: # its not a tree tree_items.append((entry.binsha, entry.mode, entry.path[si:])) else: # find common base range base = entry.path[si:rbound] xi = ci while xi < end: oentry = entries[xi] orbound = oentry.path.find("/", si) if orbound == -1 or oentry.path[si:orbound] != base: break # END abort on base mismatch xi += 1 # END find common base # enter recursion # ci - 1 as we want to count our current item as well sha, _tree_entry_list = write_tree_from_cache(entries, odb, slice(ci - 1, xi), rbound + 1) tree_items.append((sha, S_IFDIR, base)) # skip ahead ci = xi # END handle bounds # END for each entry # finally create the tree sio = BytesIO() tree_to_stream(tree_items, sio.write) # writes to stream as bytes, but doesn't change tree_items sio.seek(0) istream = odb.store(IStream(str_tree_type, len(sio.getvalue()), sio)) return (istream.binsha, tree_items) def _tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(tree_entry: "TreeCacheTup", stage: int) -> BaseIndexEntry: return BaseIndexEntry((tree_entry[1], tree_entry[0], stage << CE_STAGESHIFT, tree_entry[2])) def aggressive_tree_merge(odb: "GitCmdObjectDB", tree_shas: Sequence[bytes]) -> List[BaseIndexEntry]: """ :return: list of BaseIndexEntries representing the aggressive merge of the given trees. All valid entries are on stage 0, whereas the conflicting ones are left on stage 1, 2 or 3, whereas stage 1 corresponds to the common ancestor tree, 2 to our tree and 3 to 'their' tree. :param tree_shas: 1, 2 or 3 trees as identified by their binary 20 byte shas If 1 or two, the entries will effectively correspond to the last given tree If 3 are given, a 3 way merge is performed""" out: List[BaseIndexEntry] = [] # one and two way is the same for us, as we don't have to handle an existing # index, instrea if len(tree_shas) in (1, 2): for entry in traverse_tree_recursive(odb, tree_shas[-1], ""): out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(entry, 0)) # END for each entry return out # END handle single tree if len(tree_shas) > 3: raise ValueError("Cannot handle %i trees at once" % len(tree_shas)) # three trees for base, ours, theirs in traverse_trees_recursive(odb, tree_shas, ""): if base is not None: # base version exists if ours is not None: # ours exists if theirs is not None: # it exists in all branches, if it was changed in both # its a conflict, otherwise we take the changed version # This should be the most common branch, so it comes first if (base[0] != ours[0] and base[0] != theirs[0] and ours[0] != theirs[0]) or ( base[1] != ours[1] and base[1] != theirs[1] and ours[1] != theirs[1] ): # changed by both out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1)) out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2)) out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3)) elif base[0] != ours[0] or base[1] != ours[1]: # only we changed it out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0)) else: # either nobody changed it, or they did. In either # case, use theirs out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 0)) # END handle modification else: if ours[0] != base[0] or ours[1] != base[1]: # they deleted it, we changed it, conflict out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1)) out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2)) # else: # we didn't change it, ignore # pass # END handle our change # END handle theirs else: if theirs is None: # deleted in both, its fine - its out pass else: if theirs[0] != base[0] or theirs[1] != base[1]: # deleted in ours, changed theirs, conflict out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(base, 1)) out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3)) # END theirs changed # else: # theirs didn't change # pass # END handle theirs # END handle ours else: # all three can't be None if ours is None: # added in their branch assert theirs is not None out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 0)) elif theirs is None: # added in our branch out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0)) else: # both have it, except for the base, see whether it changed if ours[0] != theirs[0] or ours[1] != theirs[1]: out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 2)) out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(theirs, 3)) else: # it was added the same in both out.append(_tree_entry_to_baseindexentry(ours, 0)) # END handle two items # END handle heads # END handle base exists # END for each entries tuple return out
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