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# connectors/aioodbc.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .asyncio import AsyncAdapt_dbapi_connection from .asyncio import AsyncAdapt_dbapi_cursor from .asyncio import AsyncAdapt_dbapi_ss_cursor from .asyncio import AsyncAdaptFallback_dbapi_connection from .pyodbc import PyODBCConnector from .. import pool from .. import util from ..util.concurrency import await_fallback from ..util.concurrency import await_only if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..engine.interfaces import ConnectArgsType from ..engine.url import URL class AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_cursor(AsyncAdapt_dbapi_cursor): __slots__ = () def setinputsizes(self, *inputsizes): # see https://github.com/aio-libs/aioodbc/issues/451 return self._cursor._impl.setinputsizes(*inputsizes) # how it's supposed to work # return self.await_(self._cursor.setinputsizes(*inputsizes)) class AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_ss_cursor( AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_cursor, AsyncAdapt_dbapi_ss_cursor ): __slots__ = () class AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_connection(AsyncAdapt_dbapi_connection): _cursor_cls = AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_cursor _ss_cursor_cls = AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_ss_cursor __slots__ = () @property def autocommit(self): return self._connection.autocommit @autocommit.setter def autocommit(self, value): # https://github.com/aio-libs/aioodbc/issues/448 # self._connection.autocommit = value self._connection._conn.autocommit = value def cursor(self, server_side=False): # aioodbc sets connection=None when closed and just fails with # AttributeError here. Here we use the same ProgrammingError + # message that pyodbc uses, so it triggers is_disconnect() as well. if self._connection.closed: raise self.dbapi.ProgrammingError( "Attempt to use a closed connection." ) return super().cursor(server_side=server_side) def rollback(self): # aioodbc sets connection=None when closed and just fails with # AttributeError here. should be a no-op if not self._connection.closed: super().rollback() def commit(self): # aioodbc sets connection=None when closed and just fails with # AttributeError here. should be a no-op if not self._connection.closed: super().commit() def close(self): # aioodbc sets connection=None when closed and just fails with # AttributeError here. should be a no-op if not self._connection.closed: super().close() class AsyncAdaptFallback_aioodbc_connection( AsyncAdaptFallback_dbapi_connection, AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_connection ): __slots__ = () class AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_dbapi: def __init__(self, aioodbc, pyodbc): self.aioodbc = aioodbc self.pyodbc = pyodbc self.paramstyle = pyodbc.paramstyle self._init_dbapi_attributes() self.Cursor = AsyncAdapt_dbapi_cursor self.version = pyodbc.version def _init_dbapi_attributes(self): for name in ( "Warning", "Error", "InterfaceError", "DataError", "DatabaseError", "OperationalError", "InterfaceError", "IntegrityError", "ProgrammingError", "InternalError", "NotSupportedError", "NUMBER", "STRING", "DATETIME", "BINARY", "Binary", "BinaryNull", "SQL_VARCHAR", "SQL_WVARCHAR", ): setattr(self, name, getattr(self.pyodbc, name)) def connect(self, *arg, **kw): async_fallback = kw.pop("async_fallback", False) creator_fn = kw.pop("async_creator_fn", self.aioodbc.connect) if util.asbool(async_fallback): return AsyncAdaptFallback_aioodbc_connection( self, await_fallback(creator_fn(*arg, **kw)), ) else: return AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_connection( self, await_only(creator_fn(*arg, **kw)), ) class aiodbcConnector(PyODBCConnector): is_async = True supports_statement_cache = True supports_server_side_cursors = True @classmethod def import_dbapi(cls): return AsyncAdapt_aioodbc_dbapi( __import__("aioodbc"), __import__("pyodbc") ) def create_connect_args(self, url: URL) -> ConnectArgsType: arg, kw = super().create_connect_args(url) if arg and arg[0]: kw["dsn"] = arg[0] return (), kw @classmethod def get_pool_class(cls, url): async_fallback = url.query.get("async_fallback", False) if util.asbool(async_fallback): return pool.FallbackAsyncAdaptedQueuePool else: return pool.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool def get_driver_connection(self, connection): return connection._connection
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