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files >> //proc/self/root/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/doc/pear/File_MARC/CHANGELOG
1.4.1 * Reintroduce include_path to composer.json 1.4.0 * Update File_MARC_Lint to match MARC::Lint 1.52 (thanks Demian Katz) * Warn about out-of-range skip indicators (thanks Demian Katz) * Support initialization from SimpleXMLELement object (thanks Dan Michael O. Heggø) * Fix Travis-CI support (thanks Daniel O'Connor) * Tweak composer.json to support Composer 2.0 * Silence PEAR style errors and warnings in File/MARCBASE.php 1.3.0 * Support reading MARC-in-JSON serializations * Fix positions using MARC_List's appendNode method (thanks Waldemar Bartikowski!) 1.2.0 * Support injection of extended Record class (thanks Dan Michael O. Heggø!) * Support regular expression matching of subfields (thanks Waldemar Bartikowski!) * Fix deletion of multiple subfields at once (thanks Dan Michael O. Heggø!) 1.1.5 * Drop support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4 1.1.4 * Fix insertField() behaviour, which could truncate records (reported by Andreas Roussos) * Docs correction for Data_Field (thanks Daniel Walter) 1.1.3 * Add a getContents() convenience method, contributed by Carsten Klee 1.1.2 * Fetch pear_exception from Packagist [danmichaelo] 1.1.1 * Add MARC-in-JSON serialization fix for subfield 0 json_encode() limitation (thanks to Bill Dueber for reporting the bug) 1.1.0 * Enable namespaces in MARCXML handling (thanks Carsten Klee!) * Remove skip check for Structures/Linked_List 1.0.2 * Update MARC_Lint set of rules (thanks Demian Katz!) 1.0.1 * Fix bug in MARC binary serialization of subfields with value '0'. Thanks to Mark Jordan (mjordan@sfu.ca) for the bug report. 1.0.0 * First stable release! 0.8.0-beta * Drop Structures_LinkedList dependency in favour of SplDoublyLinkedList. This bumps the minimum PHP version up to 5.2.0. 0.7.3-beta * Merge patch from Karen Coombs (librarywebchic@gmail.com) adding default namespace to record elements 0.7.2-beta * Fix bug #19845 - Record::toXML() returns nothing 0.7.1-beta * Make Validate_ISPN an optional dependency 0.6.2-beta * Improve handling of bad leader data, including declared length and overly long leaders in MARCXML 0.6.1-beta * Correct layout per bug #17704 0.6.0-beta * Add two flavours of JSON output from File_MARC_Record: toJSON() and toJSONHash() 0.5.2-beta * Enable File_MARC_Record to be invoked with a null constructor again, useful for building MARC records from scratch * Add a test to check that the null constructor works to avoid future regressions 0.5.1-beta * Explicitly cast results to strings to avoid returning XML objects when File_MARCXML is in effect; problem doesn't show up in the PHP CLI, but does cause problems on the Web 0.5.0-beta * Drop MARCFLAT as it is unmaintained and, to my knowledge, unused * Add the ability to generate a proper collection of MARCXML records * Factor out some of the common toXML()-related methods to a new base class * Add tests of the new toXML() functionality for both MARC and MARCXML sources 0.4.4-beta * Enable MARCXML to handle bad tags, to match MARC * Handle corner case where only one indicator might have been provided 0.4.3-beta * Fix bug #16783 - handle bad MARC tags via warnings instead of bubbling an exception all the way up 0.4.2-beta * Fix bug #16642 - MARCXML files return keys of an invalid type 0.4.1-beta * Fix suggested by Dan Field (surfrdan @ gmail.com) for addWarnings() typo 0.4.0-beta * Add formatField() convenience method to File_MARC_Field (courtesy Mark Matienzo @ matienzo.org) * Move from split() to explode() to avoid PHP 5.3 deprecation warning (courtesy bertrand.zuchuat @ rero.ch 0.3.0-beta * Add isControlField() and isDataField() convenience methods to File_MARC_Field 0.2.3-beta * Handle single-record MARC21XML files with "record" as the root element 0.1.1-alpha * Add File_MARC_Record::toXML() method for generating MARCXML output * Add File_MARCXML class for reading MARCXML source * Add tests for MARCXML methods 0.1.0-alpha * Split each class out into its own file * Do not return anything from constructors 0.0.9-alpha * Separate getFields() from getField(), getSubfields() from getSubfield() to avoid forcing users to test is_array() after every call * Add addWarnings() / getWarnings() for records to avoid throwing an exception for a non-fatal error * Fix examples, touch up phpdoc in preparation for call for votes 0.0.8-alpha * Switch to PEAR_Exception for error handling 0.0.7-alpha * Implement useful key() overrides for key=>value iteration through fields and subfields * Adjust to new Structures_LinkedList_Double names 0.0.6-alpha * Remove package globals, define class constants & static vars instead * Change addField/Subfield() to append..(), prepend...(), and insert...() 0.0.5-alpha * Work towards a more consistent API (delete getAllSubfields) * Make PCRE expressions in getFields() and deleteFields() optional. * Make duplicate() actually return a deep copy of a record. * Stronger, better, faster (now with typehints) * Iterate with foreach() everywhere now 0.0.4-alpha * Adjust to Structures_Linked_List package name change and minor API changes * Adhere to PEAR CS (thanks PHP_CodeSniffer!) * Correct sloppy use of references (thanks E_STRICT!) * Okay, this time real error handling using PEAR_ErrorStack * Prepare first package for PEPR 0.0.3-alpha * Split MARC into separate File_MARC and Structure_Linked_List packages (with corresponding renaming of classes and constants) * Adopt PEAR naming conventions (s/MARC/File_MARC/) * Initial stab at PEAR_ErrorStack error handling 0.0.2-alpha * Fix marc_004.phpt: explicitly compare object references with === operator * Document all constants. * Fix MARC_Field::deleteSubfield() function * Add this ChangeLog 0.0.1-alpha * First publicly available release, based on MARC decoding algorithm from the emilda.org php-marc package with a completely new API and class hierarchy
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