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files >> //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/clselect/utils.py
# coding:utf-8 # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import errno import os import pwd import re import subprocess import sys import json import shutil from time import time from typing import AnyStr, List, Dict, Optional # NOQA from pathlib import Path from clcommon.clpwd import resolve_username_and_doc_root from clcommon.cpapi import CP_NAME from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import NoDomain, NotSupported, IncorrectData from clcommon.utils import mod_makedirs from clsentry import init_sentry_client from clsentry.utils import get_pkg_version from .clselectprint import clprint from .clselectexcept import ClSelectExcept CAGEFS_ENTER_USER_BIN = '/sbin/cagefs_enter_user' LVEMANDSN = "https://9713d1296f804031b058b8f2d789d7ac:8ddacae32d8246cf8b25cf826bf3fc0a@cl.sentry.cloudlinux.com/12" def run_command(cmd, env_data=None): """ Runs external process and returns output :param cmd: command and arguments as a list :param env_data :return string """ try: output = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, env=env_data, text=True) std_out, std_err = output.communicate() except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise ClSelectExcept.FileProcessError(cmd[0], str(e)) if output.returncode != 0: raise ClSelectExcept.ExternalProgramFailed(std_err or 'output of the command: %s\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), std_out)) return std_out def run_command_full(cmd, env_data=None, preexec_fn=None, cwd=None): """ Runs external process and returns output. Differs from subprocess.check_output, run_command above, and check_output below in that it does not throw an exception if process's return code != 0 :param cmd: command and arguments as a list :param env_data :param preexec_fn: Pre-exec function. None if don't need :param cwd: Directory name to set as current :return Cortege: (ret_code, stdout, stderr) """ try: process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=open('/dev/null'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, env=env_data) std_out, std_err = process.communicate() except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise ClSelectExcept.FileProcessError(cmd[0], str(e)) return process.returncode, std_out, std_err def read_file_as_string(filename): """ Reads file contents and returns it as a string """ defaults_contents = "" try: f = open(filename) defaults_contents = f.read() f.close() except (OSError, IOError): pass return defaults_contents def check_call(*args, **kwargs): check_output(*args, **kwargs) def check_output(*args, **kwargs): """ check_output(val1, val2, val3, arg4=val4) equivalent check_output(args=(val1, val2, val3), arg4=val4) or equivalent check_output(val1, args=(val2, val3), arg4=val4) DON'T USE check_output((val1, val2, val3), arg4=val4) :param tuple *args: arguments for command line :param dict **kwargs: parameters for subprocess.Popen :return str: """ error = kwargs.pop('error', None) args_from_kwargs = kwargs.get('args') output = kwargs.pop('output', None) wait = kwargs.pop('wait', None) if args_from_kwargs: args += args_from_kwargs del kwargs['args'] try: p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, **kwargs) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise ClSelectExcept.FileProcessError(args[0], str(e)) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if output: output.write(stdout) output.close() if wait is not None: p.wait() if p.returncode: raise ClSelectExcept.ExternalProgramFailed(error or stderr or stdout) return stdout def list_dirs(path): return [d for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, d))] def versioning(path, versions): yield path for major, minors in versions: yield path + str(major) for minor in minors: yield path + '.'.join(map(str, (major, minor))) def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def get_abs_rel(user, directory): """ Returns absolute and relative to user's home directories paths, after eliminating all symlinks :param user: Unix user whose home contains the directory :param directory: The directory to obtain absolute and relative paths for """ user_dir = os.path.realpath(pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir) abs_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(user_dir, directory)) rel_dir = s_partition(abs_dir, user_dir)[2].lstrip(os.sep) if not all((abs_dir, rel_dir)): raise ClSelectExcept.WrongData( "Directory '%s' not in user home ('%s')" % (directory, user_dir)) return abs_dir, rel_dir def in_cagefs(): return os.path.isdir('/var/.cagefs') # TODO: need move to clcommon # safely open/close files in python2.4 # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770348/how-to-safely-open-close-files-in-python-2-4 # TODO: consider to remove this method and use builtin def file_read(path, mode='r', errors=None): """ read file and close :param path: file path :param mode: reading mode :return str: """ data = None stream = open(path, mode=mode, errors=errors) try: data = stream.read() finally: stream.close() return data def file_readlines(path, errors=None): """ read litle file and close :param path: :return str: """ data = [] stream = open(path, errors=errors) try: data = stream.readlines() finally: stream.close() return data def file_write(path, line, mode='w', errors=None): """ write litle data to file and close :param path: :return str: """ stream = open(path, mode, errors=errors) try: stream.write(line) finally: stream.close() def file_writelines(path, lines, mode='w', errors=None): """ write litle data to file and close :param path: :return str: """ stream = open(path, mode, errors=errors) try: stream.writelines(lines) finally: stream.close() def s_partition(s, sep): """ str.partition for all python versions :param s: string to parse :param sep: separator to split by :return: cortege - see str.partition function for python 2.5+ """ if sys.version_info[0] >= 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5: return s.partition(sep) # Python v2.4 and lower does not support str.partition, so emulating it s_parts = s.split(sep, 1) if len(s_parts) == 2: ret_cortege = (s_parts[0], sep, s_parts[1]) else: ret_cortege = (s_parts[0], '', '') return ret_cortege def grep(pattern, path): """ find regex count in file """ try: f = open(path, "r") except IOError: return None counter = 0 regex = re.compile(pattern) for line in f: if regex.search(line): counter += 1 f.close() return counter def user_should_be_skipped(username): """ Determines is user should be skipped in selectorctl work :param username: user name to check :return: True - user should be skipped, False - not """ from clcommon.cpapi import is_admin # user is DA admin, pass it return is_admin(username) def make_dir(dest_dir): if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): try: mod_makedirs(dest_dir, 0o755) except (IOError, OSError) as e: print('Error: failed to create', dest_dir, ':', str(e)) sys.exit(1) def remove_file_or_dir(path): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path, True) def make_symlink(src, dst): try: if os.path.islink(dst): if os.readlink(dst) != src: os.unlink(dst) os.symlink(src, dst) else: remove_file_or_dir(dst) os.symlink(src, dst) except OSError as e: print('Error: failed to create symlink', dst, '->', src, ':', str(e)) sys.exit(1) def pretty_json(data): return json.dumps(data, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) # TODO: we have the same safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root in selectorlib, need some refactoring def safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root(user=None, domain=None, msg_format='text', pass_not_supported_panel=False): """ Safely resolve username and doc_root by domain, or resolve document root by username, or resolve document root and username by effective uid :param pass_not_supported_panel: pass not supported panel for php selector :param msg_format: error messages' format (json or text) :param user: str -> name of unix user :param domain: str -> domain of panel user :return: tuple -> user, doc_root """ result_user = user result_doc_root = None try: result_user, result_doc_root = resolve_username_and_doc_root( user=user, domain=domain, ) except NoDomain: clprint.print_diag( msg_format, { 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': 'No domain found for user: {}, domain: {}'.format(user, domain) } ) sys.exit(1) except NotSupported: if pass_not_supported_panel: pass else: clprint.print_diag( msg_format, { 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': 'NodeJs/Ruby/Python selector not supported for %s panel' % CP_NAME } ) sys.exit(1) except IncorrectData: clprint.print_diag( msg_format, { 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': 'Domain %s is not owned by the user %s' % (domain, user) } ) sys.exit(1) return result_user, result_doc_root def get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, config): """ Transform all directories to realpath, compare and return config value :param user: str -> unix user - owner of the config :param directory: str -> wanted directory key :param config: dict -> config to get value from, should have directories as keys """ abs_directory = get_abs_rel(user, directory)[0] for conf_dir in config: abs_conf_dir = get_abs_rel(user, conf_dir)[0] if abs_directory == abs_conf_dir: return config[conf_dir] raise KeyError( 'Config does not contain directory: {}'.format(directory)) def delete_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, config): """ Transform all directories to realpath, compare and remove directory key :param user: str -> unix user - owner of the config :param directory: str -> wanted directory key :param config: dict -> config to remove key from, should have directories as keys """ abs_directory = get_abs_rel(user, directory)[0] removed_at_least_one = False config_keys = list(config.keys()) for conf_dir in config_keys: abs_conf_dir = get_abs_rel(user, conf_dir)[0] if abs_directory == abs_conf_dir: del config[conf_dir] removed_at_least_one = True if not removed_at_least_one: raise KeyError( 'Config does not contain directory: {}'.format(directory)) def realpaths_are_equal(user, path1, path2): """ Checks that two paths in user home directory are the same after stripping symlinks :param user: Unix user whose home directory contains both paths :type path1: str :type path2: str :return: True if paths are canonically the same otherwise False :rtype: bool """ return get_abs_rel(user, path1)[0] == get_abs_rel(user, path2)[0] def run_process_in_cagefs(user, path_to_utility, args_for_utility, env_vars=None): # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, List[AnyStr], Optional[Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr]]) -> Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr, int] """ Run any process using the utility cagefs_enter_user """ result = {} # there are cases when we need to store some env vars # (e.g HOME when calling pip during import) if not env_vars: env_vars = {} cmd = [CAGEFS_ENTER_USER_BIN, user, path_to_utility] + args_for_utility process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env_vars, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) stdout, _ = process.communicate() retcode = process.returncode # contition `retcode > 128` because in lve-wrappers: # if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { # exit(WTERMSIG(status) + 128); # } if not stdout and retcode > 128: stdout = { 'details': 'User\'s process "{}" failed and didn\'t return anything. It could mean that user ' 'has too small limit of PMEM for running of cloudlinux-selector. Please, ' 'increase the limit to user and try run process again'.format(path_to_utility), 'result': 'error', 'timestamp': time(), } else: stdout = stdout.strip() result['output'] = stdout result['returncode'] = retcode result['failed'] = True if retcode else False return result def is_imunify_using_python(version: str) -> bool: """ Check if python version is used by imunify packages The algorithm is as follows: - Verify if imunify services are installed - Check if shebang contains the path to the specified Python version being checked - If shebang contains the path to the imunify virtual environment, determine the Python version it is based on by reading a symlink """ # Init sentry for this function sentry_client = init_sentry_client( 'lvemanager', release=get_pkg_version('lvemanager'), dsn=LVEMANDSN, handle=False ) alt_path = f'/opt/alt/python{version.replace(".", "")}' imunify_venv_path = '/opt/imunify360/venv' imunify_service = Path('/usr/bin/imunify-service') if not imunify_service.is_file(): return False try: with open(imunify_service) as f: first_line = f.readline() if not first_line.startswith('#!'): raise Exception(f'ERROR: "{imunify_service}" doesn\'t have a shebang') if alt_path in first_line: return True if imunify_venv_path in first_line: venv_python_bin = Path(first_line.lstrip('#!').strip()) python_bin = venv_python_bin.readlink() if alt_path in str(python_bin): return True except: sentry_client.captureException() return False def demote(user: str): """ Drops to user """ user_pwd = pwd.getpwnam(user) def func(): os.setgid(user_pwd.pw_gid) os.setuid(user_pwd.pw_uid) os.environ['USER'] = user os.environ['HOME'] = user_pwd.pw_dir return func def apply_for_at_least_one_user(func, users, exception_type, *args, **kwargs): caught_exception = None is_handled = False for user_alias in users: try: result = func(user_alias, *args, **kwargs) except exception_type as e: caught_exception = e else: is_handled |= True if not is_handled: raise caught_exception return result
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