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files >> //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/View.py
class Horizon: def __init__(self, mod): self.mod = mod self._hiding_tag_ = mod._hiding_tag_ # Make preallocations of things that will be needed for news() self.retset = self.mod.retset self.hv = mod.hv self.exc_info = self.mod._root.sys.exc_info self.iso = self.mod.iso str(self.retset(self.iso(1, [], (), {}, self.__dict__)) - self.iso(())) mod.hv.heap mod.enter mod.gc.collect() self.hv_horizon = mod.heapyc.Horizon(self.hv) def news(self): r = self.retset(self.hv_horizon.news(self.mod.enter(self.hv.heap))) return r class ClearCallback(object): __slots__ = 'callback', def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback def __call__(self, wr): if self.callback is not None: self.callback(wr) else: print('No callback') class Gchook_type(object): __slots__ = 'x', '__weakref__', 'cb' def __init__(g): g.x = g class ObservationList(list): __slots__ = '_hiding_tag_', def __init__(self, iterable, hiding_tag): list.__init__(self, iterable) self._hiding_tag_ = hiding_tag class _GLUECLAMP_: _imports_ = ( '_parent.ImpSet:immnodeset', '_parent.ImpSet:immnodeset_union', '_parent.ImpSet:mutnodeset', '_parent.ImpSet:NodeSet', '_parent.UniSet:nodeset_adapt', '_parent.UniSet:retset', '_parent.Use:idset', '_parent.Use:iso', '_parent.Use:Type', '_root:ctypes', '_root:gc', '_root:types', ) _chgable_ = ('is_rg_update_all', 'referrers_lock', '_is_clear_drg_enabled', 'root',) _setable_ = ('_hiding_tag_', 'target', 'is_hiding_calling_interpreter',) is_hiding_calling_interpreter = False is_rg_update_all = False _is_clear_drg_enabled = 1 # Flag mainly for test, Note Apr 19 2005 _hiding_tag_ = [] #opt_rg_update_all = True _uniset_exports = ( # 'dominos', # 'domisize', 'imdom', # 'indisize', # 'referents', # 'referrers', 'referrers_gc', ) def _get__clear_hook(self): return self.mutnodeset() def clear_check(self): ch = self._clear_hook try: wr = list(ch)[0] except IndexError: self.clear_setup() else: # When tracing is enabled, each local variable gets two references. # See Guppy 3 issue #3. c = [wr()] if c[0] is None: self.clear_setup() elif self._root.sys.getrefcount(c[0]) > 3: print('GC hook object was referred to from somebody!') self.clear_callback(wr) c[0].cb.callback = None def clear_callback(self, wr): self._clear_hook.clear() for m in self.clear_methods: m() self.clear_setup() def clear_setup(self): ch = self._clear_hook ch.clear() c = self.gchook_type() cb = self.ClearCallback(self.clear_callback) c.cb = cb ch.add(self._root.weakref.ref(c, cb)) def _get_clear_methods(self): return [] def clear_register_method(self, m): self.clear_methods.append(m) self.clear_check() def _get_dict_ownership(self): drg = self.nodegraph() def clear_drg(): if drg.is_sorted and self._is_clear_drg_enabled: drg.clear() else: pass self.clear_register_method(clear_drg) return drg def _get_gchook_type(self): return Gchook_type def _get_capsule_type(self): return self.ctypes.cast( self.ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_Type, self.ctypes.py_object).value def _get_heapdef_modules(self): # We touch self.heapyc to import it & its dependent guppy.sets; # this is kinda specialcase-hacky but see Notes Apr 8 2005. self.heapyc return list(self.target.sys.modules.items()) def _get_heapdefs(self): heapdefs = [] for n, m in self.heapdef_modules: try: hd = getattr(m, '_NyHeapDefs_') except AttributeError: continue if not hd or not isinstance(hd, self.capsule_type): continue heapdefs.append(hd) return tuple(heapdefs) def _get_heapyc(self): return self._parent.heapyc def _get_hv(self): hv = self.new_hv(_hiding_tag_=self._hiding_tag_, is_hiding_calling_interpreter=self.is_hiding_calling_interpreter) return hv def _get_norefer(self): return self.mutnodeset() def _get_referrers_targets(self): return [] def _get_rg(self): rg = self.nodegraph() self.clear_register_method(self._clear_rg) return rg def _clear_rg(self): if self.referrers_lock: return rg = self.rg if rg.is_sorted: rg.clear() self.norefer.clear() else: pass def _get_referrers_lock(self): return 0 def _get_root(self): return self.heapyc.RootState def _get_target(self): return self._parent.Target.Target(self._hiding_tag_) def _set_root(self, root): self.clear_retainers() self.hv.root = root def call_with_referrers(self, X, f): self.referrers_lock += 1 try: self.update_referrers(X) return f(X) finally: self.referrers_lock -= 1 def clear_retainers(self): """G.clear_retainers() Clear the retainer graph V.rg. """ self.rg.clear() self.norefer.clear() def dominos(self, X): """dominos(X) -> idset Return the dominos of a set of objects X. The dominos of X is the set of objects that are dominated by X, which is the objects that will become deallocated, directly or indirectly, when the objects in X are deallocated.""" return self.dominos_tuple((X,))[0] def dominos_tuple(self, X): """V.dominos_tuple(X) -> tuple of idsets Return a tuple of dominos for the tuple of sets of objects X.""" D_ = [self.nodeset_adapt(x) for x in X] # Convert to naming like in the appendix T = self.hv.reachable S = self.immnodeset([self.root]) D = self.immnodeset_union(D_) W = T(S, D) return tuple([self.retset(T(Di, W) - T(D, W | Di)) for Di in D_]) def domisize(self, X): """domisize(X) -> int Return the dominated size of a set of objects X. The dominated size of X is the total size of memory that will become deallocated, directly or indirectly, when the objects in X are deallocated. See also: indisize.""" return self.domisize_tuple((X,))[0] def domisize_tuple(self, X): """"V.domisize_tuple(X) -> tuple of ints Return a tuple of dominated sizes for the tuple of sets of objects X.""" return tuple([self.indisize(dominos_i) for dominos_i in self.dominos_tuple(X)]) def enter(self, func): if self.hv.is_hiding_calling_interpreter: self.hv.limitframe = None elif self.hv.limitframe is not None: return func() else: import inspect self.hv.limitframe = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back try: retval = func() finally: self.hv.limitframe = None return retval def gchook(self, func): c = self.gchook_type() ho = self.mutnodeset() def cb(wr): func() ho.clear() c = self.gchook_type() ho.add(self._root.weakref.ref(c, cb)) ho.add(self._root.weakref.ref(c, cb)) return self.mutnodeset([ho]) def heapg(self, rma=1): # Almost the same as gc.get_objects(), # except: # 1. calls gc.collect() first (twice) # 2. removes objects of type gchook # 3. removes objects of type ClearCallback # 4. removes all objects of type types.FrameType # 5. removes all objects of weakref type # 6. If rma = 1, # removes all that is in the reachable heap # except what is in the set itself. # . wraps the result in an IdSet self.gc.collect() self.gc.collect() objs = self.gc.get_objects() cli = self.hv.cli_type() objs = cli.select(objs, self.gchook_type, '!=') objs = cli.select(objs, ClearCallback, '!=') objs = cli.select(objs, self._root.types.FrameType, '!=') objs = cli.select(objs, self._root.weakref.ReferenceType, '!=') r = self.retset(objs) del cli, objs if rma: r = (r - self.idset(self.heapyc.HeapView( self.heapyc.RootState, self.heapdefs ).reachable_x( self.immnodeset([self.heapyc.RootState]), self.observation_containers() )) ) return r def heapu(self, rma=1): self.gc.collect() self.gc.collect() r = self.gc.get_objects() exclude = (self.Type(self.gchook_type) | self.Type(ClearCallback) ) if rma: exclude |= self.idset(self.heapyc.HeapView( self.heapyc.RootState, self.heapdefs ).reachable_x( self.immnodeset([self.heapyc.RootState]), self.immnodeset([r]) )) r = self.retset(r) - exclude ref = r.referents - exclude while not ref <= r: r |= ref ref = ref.referents - exclude del ref, exclude r = r.bytype # Avoid memoizing for complicated classification return r def heap(self): """V.heap() -> idset Return the set of objects in the visible heap. """ global heap_one_time_initialized # This is to make sure that the first time called # the heap will contain things that may likely be loaded later # because of common operations. if not heap_one_time_initialized: old_root = self.root objs = [[], 'a', 1, 1.23, {'a': 'b'}, self] self.root = objs try: repr(self.idset(objs)) repr(self.iso(objs[0]).shpaths) repr(self.iso(objs[0]).rp) finally: self.root = old_root del objs del old_root heap_one_time_initialized = True self.gc.collect() # Sealing a leak at particular usage ; Notes Apr 13 2005 # Exclude current frame by encapsulting in enter(). Note Apr 20 2005 return self.enter(lambda: self.idset(self.hv.heap())) def horizon(self): return self.Horizon(self) def imdom(self, X): """imdom(X) -> idset Return the immediate dominators of a set of objects X. The immediate dominators is a subset of the referrers. It includes only those referrers that are reachable directly, avoiding any other referrer.""" pred = self.nodeset_adapt(self.referrers(X)) visit = self.hv.reachable_x(self.immnodeset([self.root]), pred) return self.retset(pred & visit) def indisize(self, X): """indisize(X) -> int Return the sum of the individual sizes of the set of objects X. The individual size of an object is the size of memory that is allocated directly in the object, not including any externally visible subobjects. See also: domisize.""" return self.hv.indisize_sum(self.nodeset_adapt(X)) def new_hv(self, _hiding_tag_=None, is_hiding_calling_interpreter=False, heapdefs=None, root=None, gchook_type=None): if heapdefs is None: heapdefs = self.heapdefs if root is None: root = self.root if gchook_type is None: gchook_type = self.gchook_type hv = self.heapyc.HeapView(root, heapdefs) hv._hiding_tag_ = _hiding_tag_ hv.is_hiding_calling_interpreter = is_hiding_calling_interpreter hv.register_hidden_exact_type(gchook_type) # hv.register__hiding_tag__type(self._parent.UniSet.UniSet) hv.register__hiding_tag__type(self._parent.UniSet.Kind) hv.register__hiding_tag__type(self._parent.UniSet.IdentitySetMulti) hv.register__hiding_tag__type(self._parent.UniSet.IdentitySetSingleton) return hv def nodegraph(self, iterable=None, is_mapping=False): ng = self.heapyc.NodeGraph(iterable, is_mapping) ng._hiding_tag_ = self._hiding_tag_ return ng def obj_at(self, addr): try: return self.immnodeset(self.hv.static_types).obj_at(addr) except ValueError: pass try: return self.immnodeset(self.gc.get_objects()).obj_at(addr) except ValueError: pass try: return self.immnodeset(self.hv.heap()).obj_at(addr) except ValueError: raise ValueError('No object found at address %s' % hex(addr)) def observation_containers(self): # Return the current set of 'observation containers' # as discussed in Notes Oct 27 2005. # returns a nodeset, not an idset, to avoid recursive referenes objs = self.gc.get_objects() cli = self.hv.cli_type() objs = (cli.select(objs, self.NodeSet, '<=') + cli.select(objs, ObservationList, '<=') + cli.select( objs, self._parent.UniSet.IdentitySetSingleton, '<=') ) r = self.immnodeset([x for x in objs if getattr( x, '_hiding_tag_', None) is self._hiding_tag_]) del cli, objs return r def observation_list(self, iterable=()): # Return an ObservationList object with our _hiding_tag_ return ObservationList(iterable, self._hiding_tag_) def referents(self, X): """V.referents(X) -> idset Return the set of objects that are directly referred to by any of the objects in the set X.""" return self.retset(self.hv.relimg(self.nodeset_adapt(X))) def referrers(self, X): """V.referrers(X) -> idset Return the set of objects that directly refer to any of the objects in the set X.""" X = self.nodeset_adapt(X) if self.is_rg_update_all and self.root is self.heapyc.RootState: if not (self.rg.domain_covers(X) or self.rg.domain_covers(X - self.norefer)): self.rg.clear() import gc gc.collect() self.hv.update_referrers_completely(self.rg) addnoref = X - self.rg.get_domain() self.norefer |= addnoref else: Y = self.mutnodeset(X) Y -= self.norefer if not self.rg.domain_covers(Y): for wt in self.referrers_targets: t = wt() if t is not None: Y |= t.set.nodes Y |= self.rg.get_domain() self.rg.clear() self.hv.update_referrers(self.rg, Y) self.norefer.clear() self.norefer |= (X | Y | self.rg.get_range()) self.norefer -= self.rg.get_domain() Y = self.mutnodeset(X) - self.norefer if not self.rg.domain_covers(Y): print('update_referrers failed') print('Y - domain of rg:') print(self.idset(Y - self.rg.get_domain())) Y = None X = self.rg.relimg(X) X = self.immnodeset(X) - [None] X = self.retset(X) return X def referrers_gc(self, X): """V.referrers_gc(X) -> idset Return the set of objects that directly refer to any of the objects in the set X. This differs from referrers in that it uses the gc module's view of the referrers. This is more or less valid depending on viewpoint. """ X = tuple(self.nodeset_adapt(X)) return self.idset(self.gc.get_referrers(*X)) - self.iso(X) def referrers_add_target(self, t): def remove(wr): self.referrers_targets.remove(wr) wr = self._root.weakref.ref(t, remove) self.referrers_targets.append(wr) def update_referrers(self, X): """V.update_referrers(X) Update the view V from the set X. X must be adaptable to NodeSet. V.rg is updated so that in addition to its previos mapping, it will also contain mappings for the elements of X to their referrers, from them to their referrers and so on. """ self.referrers(X) def prime_builtin_types(): # Make sure builtin types have been completely allocated # with all method descriptors etc. # so subsequent events will not give spurios confusing allocations. # This should need to be done only once. # (Or whenever a new (extension) module is imported??) # The problem & solution is further discussed in Notes Nov 9 2005. import types import guppy.heapy.heapyc import guppy.sets.setsc import os import sys import warnings import weakref for mod in list(sys.modules.values()): if mod is None or getattr(mod, '__dict__', None) is None: continue for t in list(mod.__dict__.values()): if isinstance(t, type): dir(t) # Other type(s) for t in [type(iter([])), type(iter(())), ]: dir(t) # Ubuntu apport package installs a sys.excepthook that will import a lot # of packages when there is an unhandled exception. This can cause a lot # of irrelevant stuffs when we analyze a relative heap. try: import apport.fileutils except ImportError: pass else: import re import traceback if 'pythoncom' in sys.modules: def get_pywin32_ver(): try: import pkg_resources return pkg_resources.get_distribution('pywin32').version except Exception: pass try: import distutils.sysconfig site_pkg = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1) with open(os.path.join(site_pkg, 'pywin32.version.txt')) as f: return f.read().strip() except Exception: pass return None pywin32_ver = get_pywin32_ver() if pywin32_ver: try: pywin32_ver = int(pywin32_ver) except ValueError: pass else: if pywin32_ver < 300: warnings.warn( 'pythoncom in pywin32 < 300 may cause crashes. See ' 'https://github.com/zhuyifei1999/guppy3/issues/25. ' 'You may want to upgrade to the newest version of ' 'pywin32 by running "pip install pywin32 --upgrade"') prime_builtin_types() # The following global variable is used by heap() # to do extra initializations the first time it is called. # having to do that we want to do import and init things # but only if heap is actually called heap_one_time_initialized = False
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