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files >> //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/cache.js
'use strict' /* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */ const BB = require('bluebird') const assert = require('assert') const cacache = require('cacache') const finished = BB.promisify(require('mississippi').finished) const log = require('npmlog') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const npm = require('./npm.js') const npmConfig = require('./config/figgy-config.js') const output = require('./utils/output.js') const pacote = require('pacote') const path = require('path') const rm = BB.promisify(require('./utils/gently-rm.js')) const unbuild = BB.promisify(npm.commands.unbuild) cache.usage = 'npm cache add <tarball file>' + '\nnpm cache add <folder>' + '\nnpm cache add <tarball url>' + '\nnpm cache add <git url>' + '\nnpm cache add <name>@<version>' + '\nnpm cache clean' + '\nnpm cache verify' cache.completion = function (opts, cb) { var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain if (argv.length === 2) { return cb(null, ['add', 'clean']) } // TODO - eventually... switch (argv[2]) { case 'clean': case 'add': return cb(null, []) } } exports = module.exports = cache function cache (args, cb) { const cmd = args.shift() let result switch (cmd) { case 'rm': case 'clear': case 'clean': result = clean(args) break case 'add': result = add(args, npm.prefix) break case 'verify': case 'check': result = verify() break default: return cb('Usage: ' + cache.usage) } if (!result || !result.then) { throw new Error(`npm cache ${cmd} handler did not return a Promise`) } result.then(() => cb(), cb) } // npm cache clean [pkg]* cache.clean = clean function clean (args) { if (!args) args = [] if (args.length) { return BB.reject(new Error('npm cache clear does not accept arguments')) } const cachePath = path.join(npm.cache, '_cacache') if (!npm.config.get('force')) { return BB.reject(new Error("As of npm@5, the npm cache self-heals from corruption issues and data extracted from the cache is guaranteed to be valid. If you want to make sure everything is consistent, use 'npm cache verify' instead. On the other hand, if you're debugging an issue with the installer, you can use `npm install --cache /tmp/empty-cache` to use a temporary cache instead of nuking the actual one.\n\nIf you're sure you want to delete the entire cache, rerun this command with --force.")) } // TODO - remove specific packages or package versions return rm(cachePath) } // npm cache add <tarball-url> // npm cache add <pkg> <ver> // npm cache add <tarball> // npm cache add <folder> cache.add = function (pkg, ver, where, scrub) { assert(typeof pkg === 'string', 'must include name of package to install') if (scrub) { return clean([]).then(() => { return add([pkg, ver], where) }) } return add([pkg, ver], where) } function add (args, where) { var usage = 'Usage:\n' + ' npm cache add <tarball-url>\n' + ' npm cache add <pkg>@<ver>\n' + ' npm cache add <tarball>\n' + ' npm cache add <folder>\n' var spec log.silly('cache add', 'args', args) if (args[1] === undefined) args[1] = null // at this point the args length must ==2 if (args[1] !== null) { spec = args[0] + '@' + args[1] } else if (args.length === 2) { spec = args[0] } log.verbose('cache add', 'spec', spec) if (!spec) return BB.reject(new Error(usage)) log.silly('cache add', 'parsed spec', spec) return finished(pacote.tarball.stream(spec, npmConfig({where})).resume()) } cache.verify = verify function verify () { const cache = path.join(npm.config.get('cache'), '_cacache') let prefix = cache if (prefix.indexOf(process.env.HOME) === 0) { prefix = '~' + prefix.substr(process.env.HOME.length) } return cacache.verify(cache).then((stats) => { output(`Cache verified and compressed (${prefix}):`) output(`Content verified: ${stats.verifiedContent} (${stats.keptSize} bytes)`) stats.badContentCount && output(`Corrupted content removed: ${stats.badContentCount}`) stats.reclaimedCount && output(`Content garbage-collected: ${stats.reclaimedCount} (${stats.reclaimedSize} bytes)`) stats.missingContent && output(`Missing content: ${stats.missingContent}`) output(`Index entries: ${stats.totalEntries}`) output(`Finished in ${stats.runTime.total / 1000}s`) }) } cache.unpack = unpack function unpack (pkg, ver, unpackTarget, dmode, fmode, uid, gid) { return unbuild([unpackTarget], true).then(() => { const opts = npmConfig({dmode, fmode, uid, gid, offline: true}) return pacote.extract(npa.resolve(pkg, ver), unpackTarget, opts) }) }
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