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files >> //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/mysql/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.te
# This SELinux type enforcement (.te) file has been copied under New BSD License # from Percona XtraDB Cluster, along with some additions. module mariadb-server 1.0; require { type user_tmp_t; #type kerberos_master_port_t; type mysqld_safe_t; type tmp_t; type tmpfs_t; type hostname_exec_t; type ifconfig_exec_t; type sysctl_net_t; type proc_net_t; type port_t; type mysqld_t; type var_lib_t; type rsync_exec_t; type bin_t; type shell_exec_t; type anon_inodefs_t; type fixed_disk_device_t; type usermodehelper_t; class lnk_file read; class process { getattr signull }; class unix_stream_socket connectto; class capability { ipc_lock sys_resource sys_nice }; class tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect }; class file { execute setattr read create getattr execute_no_trans write ioctl open append unlink }; class sock_file { create unlink getattr }; class blk_file { read write open }; class dir { write search getattr add_name read remove_name open }; # MariaDB additions type kerberos_port_t; type tram_port_t; type mysqld_port_t; class udp_socket name_bind; class process setpgid; class netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read }; } #============= mysqld_safe_t ============== allow mysqld_safe_t mysqld_t:process signull; allow mysqld_safe_t self:capability { sys_resource sys_nice }; allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:file { create read write open getattr unlink ioctl setattr }; allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:dir { write remove_name add_name }; allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:sock_file { getattr unlink }; allow mysqld_safe_t user_tmp_t:sock_file { getattr unlink }; allow mysqld_safe_t var_lib_t:dir { write add_name }; allow mysqld_safe_t var_lib_t:file { write ioctl setattr create open getattr append unlink }; #============= mysqld_t ============== allow mysqld_t anon_inodefs_t:file write; allow mysqld_t tmp_t:sock_file { create unlink }; allow mysqld_t tmpfs_t:dir { write search read remove_name open add_name }; allow mysqld_t tmpfs_t:file { write getattr read create unlink open }; allow mysqld_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { read write open }; allow mysqld_t ifconfig_exec_t:file { read execute open execute_no_trans getattr }; #This rule allows connecting on 4444/4567/4568 #allow mysqld_t kerberos_master_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect }; allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:dir { getattr search }; allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:file { read open }; allow mysqld_t self:unix_stream_socket connectto; allow mysqld_t port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect }; allow mysqld_t proc_net_t:file { read getattr open }; allow mysqld_t sysctl_net_t:dir search; allow mysqld_t var_lib_t:file { getattr open append }; allow mysqld_t var_lib_t:sock_file { create unlink getattr }; allow mysqld_t rsync_exec_t:file { read getattr open execute execute_no_trans }; allow mysqld_t self:process getattr; allow mysqld_t hostname_exec_t:file { read getattr execute open execute_no_trans }; allow mysqld_t user_tmp_t:dir { write add_name }; allow mysqld_t user_tmp_t:file create; allow mysqld_t bin_t:lnk_file read; allow mysqld_t tmp_t:file { append create read write open getattr unlink setattr }; allow mysqld_t usermodehelper_t:file { read open }; # Allows too much leeway - the mariabackup/wsrep rules in fc should fix it, but # keep for the moment. allow mysqld_t shell_exec_t:file { execute_no_trans getattr read execute open }; allow mysqld_t bin_t:file { getattr read execute open execute_no_trans ioctl }; # MariaDB additions allow mysqld_t self:process setpgid; allow mysqld_t self:capability { ipc_lock }; # This rule allows port tcp/4444 allow mysqld_t kerberos_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect }; # This rule allows port tcp/4567 (tram_port_t may not be available on # older versions) allow mysqld_t tram_port_t:tcp_socket name_bind; # This rule allows port udp/4567 (see README) allow mysqld_t mysqld_port_t:udp_socket name_bind; # Rules related to mariabackup allow mysqld_t self:netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read }; allow mysqld_t sysctl_net_t:file { read getattr open };
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