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" Plugin to update the %changelog section of RPM spec files " Filename: spec.vim " Maintainer: Igor Gnatenko i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com " Former Maintainer: Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer@conectiva.com> (until March 2014) " Last Change: Mon Jun 01 21:15 MSK 2015 Igor Gnatenko if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_spec_maps") if !hasmapto("<Plug>SpecChangelog") map <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>SpecChangelog endif endif if !hasmapto("call <SID>SpecChangelog(\"\")<CR>") noremap <buffer> <unique> <script> <Plug>SpecChangelog :call <SID>SpecChangelog("")<CR> endif if !exists("*s:GetRelVer") function! s:GetRelVer() if has('python') python << PYEND import sys, datetime, shutil, tempfile import vim try: import rpm except ImportError: pass else: specfile = vim.current.buffer.name if specfile: rpm.delMacro("dist") spec = rpm.spec(specfile) headers = spec.sourceHeader version = headers["Version"] release = headers["Release"] vim.command("let ver = '" + version + "'") vim.command("let rel = '" + release + "'") PYEND endif endfunction endif if !exists("*s:SpecChangelog") function s:SpecChangelog(format) if strlen(a:format) == 0 if !exists("g:spec_chglog_format") let email = input("Name <email address>: ") let g:spec_chglog_format = "%a %b %d %Y " . l:email echo "\r" endif let format = g:spec_chglog_format else if !exists("g:spec_chglog_format") let g:spec_chglog_format = a:format endif let format = a:format endif let line = 0 let name = "" let ver = "" let rel = "" let nameline = -1 let verline = -1 let relline = -1 let chgline = -1 while (line <= line("$")) let linestr = getline(line) if (name == "" && linestr =~? '^Name:') let nameline = line let name = substitute(strpart(linestr,5), '^[ ]*\([^ ]\+\)[ ]*$','\1','') elseif (ver == "" && linestr =~? '^Version:') let verline = line let ver = substitute(strpart(linestr,8), '^[ ]*\([^ ]\+\)[ ]*$','\1','') elseif (rel == "" && linestr =~? '^Release:') let relline = line let rel = substitute(strpart(linestr,8), '^[ ]*\([^ ]\+\)[ ]*$','\1','') elseif (linestr =~? '^%changelog') let chgline = line execute line break endif let line = line+1 endwhile if (nameline != -1 && verline != -1 && relline != -1) let include_release_info = exists("g:spec_chglog_release_info") let name = s:ParseRpmVars(name, nameline) let ver = s:ParseRpmVars(ver, verline) let rel = s:ParseRpmVars(rel, relline) else let include_release_info = 0 endif call s:GetRelVer() if (chgline == -1) let option = confirm("Can't find %changelog. Create one? ","&End of file\n&Here\n&Cancel",3) if (option == 1) call append(line("$"),"") call append(line("$"),"%changelog") execute line("$") let chgline = line(".") elseif (option == 2) call append(line("."),"%changelog") normal j chgline = line(".") endif endif if (chgline != -1) let tmptime = v:lc_time language time C let parsed_format = "* ".strftime(format)." - ".ver."-".rel execute "language time" tmptime let release_info = "+ ".name."-".ver."-".rel let wrong_format = 0 let wrong_release = 0 let insert_line = 0 if (getline(chgline+1) != parsed_format) let wrong_format = 1 endif if (include_release_info && getline(chgline+2) != release_info) let wrong_release = 1 endif if (wrong_format || wrong_release) if (include_release_info && !wrong_release && !exists("g:spec_chglog_never_increase_release")) let option = confirm("Increase release? ","&Yes\n&No",1) if (option == 1) execute relline normal let rel = substitute(strpart(getline(relline),8), '^[ ]*\([^ ]\+\)[ ]*$','\1','') let release_info = "+ ".name."-".ver."-".rel endif endif let n = 0 call append(chgline+n, parsed_format) if include_release_info let n = n + 1 call append(chgline+n, release_info) endif let n = n + 1 call append(chgline+n,"- ") let n = n + 1 call append(chgline+n,"") let insert_line = chgline+n else let line = chgline if !exists("g:spec_chglog_prepend") while !(getline(line+2) =~ '^\( *\|\*.*\)$') let line = line+1 endwhile endif call append(line+1,"- ") let insert_line = line+2 endif execute insert_line startinsert! endif endfunction endif if !exists("*s:ParseRpmVars") function s:ParseRpmVars(str, strline) let end = -1 let ret = "" while (1) let start = match(a:str, "\%{", end+1) if (start == -1) let ret = ret . strpart(a:str, end+1) break endif let ret = ret . strpart(a:str, end+1, start-(end+1)) let end = match(a:str, "}", start) if (end == -1) let ret = ret . strpart(a:str, start) break endif let varname = strpart(a:str, start+2, end-(start+2)) execute a:strline let definestr = "^[ \t]*%(?:global|define)[ \t]\\+" . varname . "[ \t]\\+\\(.*\\)$" let linenum = search(definestr, "bW") if (linenum != -1) let ret = ret . substitute(getline(linenum), definestr, "\\1", "") else let ret = ret . strpart(str, start, end+1-start) endif endwhile return ret endfunction endif " The following lines, along with the macros/matchit.vim plugin, " make it easy to navigate the different sections of a spec file " with the % key (thanks to Max Ischenko). let b:match_ignorecase = 0 let b:match_words = \ '^Name:^%description:^%clean:^%(?:auto)?setup:^%build:^%install:^%files:' . \ '^%package:^%preun:^%postun:^%changelog' let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save let b:undo_ftplugin = "unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words"
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