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files >> //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_udevadm
#compdef udevadm # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ _udevadm_info(){ _arguments \ '--query=[Query the database for specified type of device data. It needs the --path or --name to identify the specified device.]:type:(name symlink path property all)' \ '--path=[The devpath of the device to query.]:sys files:_files -P /sys/ -W /sys' \ '--name=[The name of the device node or a symlink to query]:device files:_files -P /dev/ -W /dev' \ '--root[Print absolute paths in name or symlink query.]' \ '--attribute-walk[Print all sysfs properties of the specified device that can be used in udev rules to match the specified device]' \ '--export[Print output as key/value pairs.]' \ '--export-prefix=[Add a prefix to the key name of exported values.]:prefix' \ '--device-id-of-file=[Print major/minor numbers of the underlying device, where the file lives on.]:files:_udevadm_mounts' \ '--export-db[Export the content of the udev database.]' \ '--cleanup-db[Cleanup the udev database.]' } _udevadm_trigger(){ _arguments \ '--verbose[Print the list of devices which will be triggered.]' \ '--dry-run[Do not actually trigger the event.]' \ '--type=[Trigger a specific type of devices.]:types:(devices subsystems failed)' \ '--action=[Type of event to be triggered.]:actions:(add change remove)' \ '--subsystem-match=[Trigger events for devices which belong to a matching subsystem.]' \ '--subsystem-nomatch=[Do not trigger events for devices which belong to a matching subsystem.]' \ '--attr-match=attribute=[Trigger events for devices with a matching sysfs attribute.]' \ '--attr-nomatch=attribute=[Do not trigger events for devices with a matching sysfs attribute.]' \ '--property-match=[Trigger events for devices with a matching property value.]' \ '--tag-match=property[Trigger events for devices with a matching tag.]' \ '--sysname-match=[Trigger events for devices with a matching sys device name.]' \ '--parent-match=[Trigger events for all children of a given device.]' } _udevadm_settle(){ _arguments \ '--timeout=[Maximum number of seconds to wait for the event queue to become empty.]' \ '--seq-start=[Wait only for events after the given sequence number.]' \ '--seq-end=[Wait only for events before the given sequence number.]' \ '--exit-if-exists=[Stop waiting if file exists.]:files:_files' \ '--quiet[Do not print any output, like the remaining queue entries when reaching the timeout.]' \ '--help[Print help text.]' } _udevadm_control(){ _arguments \ '--exit[Signal and wait for systemd-udevd to exit.]' \ '--log-priority=[Set the internal log level of systemd-udevd.]:priorities:(err info debug)' \ '--stop-exec-queue[Signal systemd-udevd to stop executing new events. Incoming events will be queued.]' \ '--start-exec-queue[Signal systemd-udevd to enable the execution of events.]' \ '--reload[Signal systemd-udevd to reload the rules files and other databases like the kernel module index.]' \ '--property=[Set a global property for all events.]' \ '--children-max=[Set the maximum number of events.]' \ '--timeout=[The maximum number of seconds to wait for a reply from systemd-udevd.]' \ '--help[Print help text.]' } _udevadm_monitor(){ _arguments \ '--kernel[Print the kernel uevents.]' \ '--udev[Print the udev event after the rule processing.]' \ '--property[Also print the properties of the event.]' \ '--subsystem-match=[Filter events by subsystem/\[devtype\].]' \ '--tag-match=[Filter events by property.]' \ '--help[Print help text.]' } _udevadm_test(){ _arguments \ '--action=[The action string.]:actions:(add change remove)' \ '--subsystem=[The subsystem string.]' \ '--help[Print help text.]' \ '*::devpath:_files -P /sys/ -W /sys' } _udevadm_test-builtin(){ if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then _arguments \ '--help[Print help text]' \ '*::builtins:(blkid btrfs hwdb input_id net_id net_setup_link kmod path_id usb_id uaccess)' elif (( CURRENT == 3 )); then _arguments \ '--help[Print help text]' \ '*::syspath:_files -P /sys -W /sys' else _arguments \ '--help[Print help text]' fi } _udevadm_mounts(){ local dev_tmp dpath_tmp mp_tmp mline tmp=( "${(@f)$(< /proc/self/mounts)}" ) dev_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp%% *}:#none}" ) mp_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp#* }%% *}" ) local MATCH mp_tmp=("${(@q)mp_tmp//(#m)\\[0-7](#c3)/${(#)$(( 8#${MATCH[2,-1]} ))}}") dpath_tmp=( "${(@Mq)dev_tmp:#/*}" ) dev_tmp=( "${(@q)dev_tmp:#/*}" ) _alternative \ 'device-paths: device path:compadd -a dpath_tmp' \ 'directories:mount point:compadd -a mp_tmp' } _udevadm_command(){ local -a _udevadm_cmds _udevadm_cmds=( 'info:query sysfs or the udev database' 'trigger:request events from the kernel' 'settle:wait for the event queue to finish' 'control:control the udev daemon' 'monitor:listen to kernel and udev events' 'test:test an event run' 'test-builtin:test a built-in command' ) if ((CURRENT == 1)); then _describe -t commands 'udevadm commands' _udevadm_cmds else local curcontext="$curcontext" cmd="${${_udevadm_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}" if (($#cmd)); then if (( $+functions[_udevadm_$cmd] )); then _udevadm_$cmd else _message "no options for $cmd" fi else _message "no more options" fi fi } _arguments \ '--debug[Print debug messages to stderr]' \ '--version[Print version number]' \ '--help[Print help text]' \ '*::udevadm commands:_udevadm_command'
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