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files >> //proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/php73/usr/share/pear/.pkgxml/Pear_Mail_Mime-1.10.11.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <package packagerversion="1.10.12" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd"> <name>Mail_Mime</name> <channel>pear.php.net</channel> <summary>Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages.</summary> <description>Mail_Mime provides classes to deal with the creation and manipulation of MIME messages. It allows people to create e-mail messages consisting of: * Text Parts * HTML Parts * Inline HTML Images * Attachments * Attached messages It supports big messages, base64 and quoted-printable encodings and non-ASCII characters in filenames, subjects, recipients, etc. encoded using RFC2047 and/or RFC2231.</description> <lead> <name>Cipriano Groenendal</name> <user>cipri</user> <email>cipri@php.net</email> <active>no</active> </lead> <lead> <name>Aleksander Machniak</name> <user>alec</user> <email>alec@php.net</email> <active>yes</active> </lead> <date>2021-09-05</date> <time>08:43:21</time> <version> <release>1.10.11</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix PHP 8.1: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated [alec] * Fix encoding recipient names with @ character and no space between name and address [alec] * Fix the license label in composer.json [jnkowa-gfk] </notes> <contents> <dir name="/"> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="edd138f6c5497ae2b5d63620a67a931e" name="tests/class-filename.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="7ec986391d0af058316f66e5a507e059" name="tests/content_transfer_encoding.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="c1a43360d9b2cb5f9542503a4355c277" name="tests/encoding_case.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="bf50a200190cad5e2d4aae4e120ea09f" name="tests/headers_with_mbstring.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="9a2d207f873317125ff43c092f3f0d25" name="tests/headers_without_mbstring.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="25d4c5b9fdeaabc7810c26e6f89e95ca" name="tests/qp_encoding_test.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="958197f31b4a20c91dd42662595e7516" name="tests/sleep_wakeup_EOL-bug3488-part1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="46675529f1f021b51a1aa0ae6c971cd2" name="tests/sleep_wakeup_EOL-bug3488-part2.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="f8c05910737e451c7a9d4737b8d9f095" name="tests/test_Bug_3513_1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="edb467a375ddf09e777a9388e2e8cbb5" name="tests/test_Bug_3513_2.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="70c2456445eaaa80779206e9e245d685" name="tests/test_Bug_3513_3.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="4cda500d0d7925e81a299f1d3db132a9" name="tests/test_Bug_7561_1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="42a214e7e3d3afa07f8996b235222611" name="tests/test_Bug_8386_1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="ed78099563499f60386a128cb7b96925" name="tests/test_Bug_8541_1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="5250a0693599b945e8642a1a289d7275" name="tests/test_Bug_9722_1.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" 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name="tests/test_Bug_12466.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="4eddeeac08f351feb147ab6fda439526" name="tests/test_Bug_13032.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="de15a0657a83694bc6991c4184ccf9bd" name="tests/test_Bug_13444.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="80afe9fced03288884e9d302d1e65b2d" name="tests/test_Bug_13962.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="89bf87e798f4a149a150d4c2a505f976" name="tests/test_Bug_14529.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="5f9100adb1c609110ed495fafa819975" name="tests/test_Bug_14779.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="45eb42fe4e325da64f1ae8f149e2a396" name="tests/test_Bug_14780.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="609dad2083c54ba56ea691c488ca20e2" name="tests/test_Bug_15320.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="f4ef08e416e775558e8075b531bbc814" name="tests/test_Bug_16539.phpt" role="test" /> <file 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md5sum="7c7a00818cb0f01fa6c52c920b9e76c6" name="tests/test_Bug_20564.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="b9e31a9c24b05dfb6166512e04e2f056" name="tests/test_Bug_21027.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="b634a5e99aa26a8b6df8fcfae07051b4" name="tests/test_Bug_21098.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="b21be5b099a69428bd37e60589cdd485" name="tests/test_Bug_21205.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="bc152c12839964fba15da5673d25c4db" name="tests/test_Bug_21206.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="ccf732525be42c955eea18e78490c3e1" name="tests/test_Bug_21255.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="579f1e11da6c8074dbf508dc1f1dedfa" name="tests/test_Bug_GH16.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="df32d66d9fccf7a0956422811283272a" name="tests/test_Bug_GH19.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="b7b5b5bacc6a599cfaece35ad202ad1a" name="tests/test_Bug_GH26.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="e08958f1bb60561f072a3508b8fd3e2e" name="tests/test_linebreak_dot.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="8398e9bfea0bc7c4ff0770ae3d6279fe" name="tests/test_linebreak_larger_76.phpt" role="test" /> <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="e5c9ac7f32e53afdeafd1a84343a89ae" name="Mail/mime.php" role="php" /> <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="36128789ad1101d39d13b06ca2585576" name="Mail/mimePart.php" role="php" /> </dir> </contents> <dependencies> <required> <php> <min>5.2.0</min> </php> <pearinstaller> <min>1.6.0</min> </pearinstaller> </required> </dependencies> <phprelease /> <changelog> <release> <version> <release>1.0</release> <api>1.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2001-12-28</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> This is the initial release of the Mime_Mail package. </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.1</release> <api>1.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2002-04-03</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> This is a maintenance release with various bugfixes and minor enhancements. </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.2</release> <api>1.2</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2002-07-14</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> * Added header encoding * Altered mimePart to put boundary parameter on newline * Changed addFrom() to setFrom() * Added setSubject() * Made mimePart inherit crlf setting from mime </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.2.1</release> <api>1.2.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2002-07-27</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> * License change * Applied a few changes From Ilia Alshanetsky </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.3.0RC1</release> <api>1.3.0RC1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>beta</api> </stability> <date>2005-03-20</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> * First release in over 2.5 years (!) * MANY bugfixes (see the bugtracker) * added a few tests </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.3.0</release> <api>1.3.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2005-04-01</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> * First (stable) release in over 2.5 years (!) * MANY bugfixes (see the bugtracker) * added a few tests * one small fix after RC1 (bug #3940) </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.3.1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2005-07-13</date> <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license> <notes> </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0a1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>alpha</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-03-08</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Changed License to BSD Style license, as that's what the code was since the beginning [cipri] * Fix Bug #30: Mail_Mime: _encodeHeaders is not RFC-2047 compliant. [cipri] * Fix Bug #3513: support of RFC2231 in header fields. [cipri] * Fix Bug #4696: addAttachment crash [cipri] * Fix Bug #5333: Only variables should be returned by reference; triggers notices since php 4.4.0 [cipri] * Fix Bug #7561: Mail_mimePart::_quotedPrintableEncode() misbehavior with mbstring overload [cipri] * Fix Bug #8223: Incorrectly encoded quoted-printable headers [cipri] * Fix Bug #8386: HTML body not correctly encoded if attachments present [cipri] * Fix Bug #8541: mimePart.php line delimiter is \r [cipri] * Fix Bug #9347: Notices about references [cweiske] * Fix Bug #9558: Broken multiline headers [cipri] * Fix Bug #9956: Notices being thrown [cipri] * Fix Bug #9976: Subject encoded twice [cipri] * Implement Feature #2952: Mail_mime::headers() saves extra headers [cipri] * Implement Feature #3636: Allow specification of charsets and encoding [cipri] * Implement Feature #4057: Mail_Mime: Add name parameter for Content-Type [cipri] * Implement Feature #4504: addHTMLImage does not work in cases when filename contains a path [cipri] * Implement Feature #5837: Mail_Mime: Build message for Net_SMTP [cipri] * Implement Feature #5934: Mail_Mime: choice for content disposition [cipri] * Implement Feature #6568: Mail_Mime: inline images referenced in CSS definitions not replaced. [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0a2</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>alpha</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-05</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #9722: _quotedPrintableEncode does not encode dot at start of line on Windows platform [cipri] * Fix Bug #9725: multipart/related & alternative wrong order [cipri] * Fix Bug #10146: mbstring fails to recognize encodings. [cipri] * Fix Bug #10158: Inline images not displayed on Mozilla Thunderbird [cipri] * Fix Bug #10298: Mail_mime, double Quotes and Specialchars in from and to Adress [cipri] * Fix Bug #10306: Strings with Double Quotes get encoded wrongly [cipri] * Fix Bug #10596: Incorrect handling of text and html '0' bodies [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0a3</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>alpha</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-05</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #10298: Mail_mime, double Quotes and Specialchars in from and to Adress [cipri] * Fix Bug #10306: Strings with Double Quotes get encoded wrongly [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0RC1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-12</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #10232: Gmail creates double line break when \r\n is used [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0RC2</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-22</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #10791: Unit tests fail [cipri] * Fix Bug #10792: No unit tests for recently fixed bugs [cipri] * Fix Bug #10793: Long headers don't get wrapped since fix for Bug #10298 [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0RC3</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-24</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #10816: Unwanted linebreak at the end of output [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0RC4</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-04-28</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">bsd style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #3513: support of RFC2231 in header fields. [cipri] * Fix Bug #10838: bad use of MIME encoding in header. [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.4.0</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-05-05</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Release notes: * No more notices in PHP 5 /4.4.0. * Improved inline HTML image function. * Improved header encoding with foreign charsets. * Improved long header rendering. * More control over used Charsets and encoding schemes. * More configurable attachments and inline images. * Full RFC 2047 Support * Full RFC 2231 Support * Unit-tests Fixed bugs: * Fix Bug #30: Mail_Mime: _encodeHeaders is not RFC-2047 compliant. [cipri] * Fix Bug #3513: support of RFC2231 in header fields. [cipri] * Fix Bug #4696: addAttachment crash [cipri] * Fix Bug #5333: Only variables should be returned by reference; triggers notices since php 4.4.0 [cipri] * Fix Bug #5400: Do not return function reference [cipri] * Fix Bug #5710: Little reference bugs [cipri] * Fix Bug #5890: Only variable references should be returned by reference [cipri] * Fix Bug #6260: Just a notice with PHP5 [cipri] * Fix Bug #6261: php 5.1.1 upgrade [cipri] * Fix Bug #6663: Notice about reference passing [cipri] * Fix Bug #7561: Mail_mimePart::_quotedPrintableEncode() misbehavior with mbstring overload [cipri] * Fix Bug #7713: PHP5 Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference [cipri] * Fix Bug #8223: Incorrectly encoded quoted-printable headers [cipri] * Fix Bug #8386: HTML body not correctly encoded if attachments present [cipri] * Fix Bug #8541: mimePart.php line delimiter is \r [cipri] * Fix Bug #8812: user header updates overwritten [cipri] * Fix Bug #9347: Notices about references [cweiske] * Fix Bug #9558: Broken multiline headers [cipri] * Fix Bug #9722: _quotedPrintableEncode does not encode dot at start of line on Windows platform [cipri] * Fix Bug #9725: multipart/related & alternative wrong order [cipri] * Fix Bug #9956: Notices being thrown [cipri] * Fix Bug #9976: Subject encoded twice [cipri] * Fix Bug #10146: mbstring fails to recognize encodings. [cipri] * Fix Bug #10158: Inline images not displayed on Mozilla Thunderbird [cipri] * Fix Bug #10232: Gmail creates double line break when \r\n is used [cipri] * Fix Bug #10298: Mail_mime, double Quotes and Specialchars in from and to Adress [cipri] * Fix Bug #10306: Strings with Double Quotes get encoded wrongly [cipri] * Fix Bug #10596: Incorrect handling of text and html '0' bodies [cipri] * Fix Bug #10791: Unit tests fail [cipri] * Fix Bug #10792: No unit tests for recently fixed bugs [cipri] * Fix Bug #10793: Long headers don't get wrapped since fix for Bug #10298 [cipri] * Fix Bug #10816: Unwanted linebreak at the end of output [cipri] * Fix Bug #10838: bad use of MIME encoding in header. [cipri] Implemented Features: * Implement Feature #2952: Mail_mime::headers() saves extra headers [cipri] * Implement Feature #3636: Allow specification of charsets and encoding [cipri] * Implement Feature #4057: Mail_Mime: Add name parameter for Content-Type [cipri] * Implement Feature #4504: addHTMLImage does not work in cases when filename contains a path [cipri] * Implement Feature #5837: Mail_Mime: Build message for Net_SMTP [cipri] * Implement Feature #5934: Mail_Mime: choice for content disposition [cipri] * Implement Feature #6568: Mail_Mime: inline images referenced in CSS definitions not replaced. [cipri] * Implement Feature #10604: Put an option to specify Content-Location in the header [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.0a1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>alpha</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-06-10</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Split off mail_MimeDecode </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.0RC1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-06-10</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Split off mail_MimeDecode </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.0</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-06-17</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Split off Mail_MimeDecode </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.1</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-06-20</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #11344: Error at line 644 in mime.php [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.2</release> <api>1.3.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2007-06-21</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #11381: domain name is attached to content-id, trailing greater-than sign is not remove [cipri] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.5.3</release> <api>1.3.2</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2009-12-29</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Fixed bugs: * Fix Bug #14678: srand() lowers security [clockwerx] * Fix Bug #12921: _file2str not binary safe [walter] * Fix Bug #12385: Bad regex when replacing css style attachments [cipri] * Fix Bug #16911: Excessive semicolon in MIME header [alec] * Fix Bug #15320: Attachment charset is not set in Content-Type header [alec] * Fix Bug #16911: Lack of semicolon separator for MIME header parameters [alec] * Fix Bug #16846: Use preg_replace_callback() instead of /e modifier [alec] * Fix Bug #14779: Problem with an empty attachment [alec] * Fix Bug #15913: Optimize the memory used by Mail_mimePart::encode. Avoid having attachments data duplicated in memory [alec] * Fix Bug #16539: Headers longer than 998 characters aren't wrapped [alec] * Fix Bug #11238: Wrong encoding of structured headers [alec] * Fix Bug #13641: iconv_mime_encode() seems to work different/errorious than the build in logic. Removed 'ignore_iconv' param. [alec] * Fix Bug #16706: Incorrect double-quotes RFC 2231-encoded parameter values [alec] * Fix Bug #14232: RFC2231: tspecials encoding in _buildHeaderParam() [alec] Implemented Features: * Implement Feature #10438: Function (encodeHeader) for encoding of given header [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.6.0</release> <api>1.4.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2010-01-27</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * Don't break specified headers folding [alec] * Bug #17025: Wrong headers() result for long unwrapable header value [alec] Implemented Features: * Allow setting Content-ID for HTML Images [alec] * Added one setParam() in place of many set*() functions [alec] * Added getParam(), getTXTBody(), getHTMLBody() [alec] * Skip RFC2231's charset if filename contains only ASCII characters [alec] * Make sure that Received: headers are returned on the top [alec] * Added saveMessageBody() and getMessageBody() functions [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.6.1</release> <api>1.4.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2010-03-08</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * Fix encoding of Return-Receipt-To and Disposition-Notification-To headers [alec] Implemented Features: * Implement Feature #12466: Build parameters validation [alec] * Implement Feature #17175: Content-Description support for attachments [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.6.2</release> <api>1.4.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2010-03-23</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * Fix Bug #17226: Non RFC-compliant quoted-printable encoding of structured headers [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <version> <release>1.7.0</release> <api>1.4.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <date>2010-04-12</date> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Implemented Features: * Added Mail_mime::setContentType() function with possibility to set various types in Content-Type header (also fixes problem with boundary parameter when Content-Type header was specified by user) [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2010-07-29</date> <version> <release>1.8.0</release> <api>1.4.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * Double-addition of e-mail domain to content ID in HTML images [alec] * #17311: Multi-octet characters are split across adjacent 'encoded-word's [alec] * #17573: Place charset parameter in first line of Content-Type header (if possible) [alec] Implemented Features: * #17518: addTo() method [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2010-12-01</date> <version> <release>1.8.1</release> <api>1.4.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * #18083: Not possible to set separate charset for attachment content and headers [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2011-08-10</date> <version> <release>1.8.2</release> <api>1.4.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> Bugs Fixed: * #18426: Fixed backward compatibility for "dfilename" parameter [alec] * Removed xmail.dtd, xmail.xsl from the package [alec] * Fixed handling of email addresses with quoted local part [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2012-03-12</date> <version> <release>1.8.3</release> <api>1.4.1</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Request #19009: Remove error_reporting from tests [alec] * Fixed Bug #19094: Email addresses do not have to contain a space between the name and address part [alec] * Fixed Bug #19328: Wrong encoding of filenames with comma [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2012-05-17</date> <version> <release>1.8.4</release> <api>1.4.2</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Request #19406: Allow to set individual attachment part headers [alec] * Fixed Bug #18982: Non-static method Mail_mimePart::encodeHeader() should not be called statically [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2012-06-09</date> <version> <release>1.8.5</release> <api>1.4.3</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Added possibility to set additional parameters of message part header, e.g. attachment size [alec] * Added automatic setting of attachment size via Content-Disposition header size parameter [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2012-10-23</date> <version> <release>1.8.6</release> <api>1.4.3</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Bug #19473: PEAR::isError() compatibility problem with PHP 5.4 [alec] * Bug #19497: Attachment filename is cut on slash character [alec] * Bug #19665: Add Mail-Reply-To and Mail-Followup-To to structured recipient headers list [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2012-12-25</date> <version> <release>1.8.7</release> <api>1.4.3</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Bug #5333: Fix more return by reference errors [alec] * Bug #19754: Fix compatibility with PHP4 [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2013-07-05</date> <version> <release>1.8.8</release> <api>1.4.3</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fixed warning/notice on (static vs. non-static) PEAR::raiseError() usage [alec] * Fixed Bug #19761: PHP5 warnings about return by reference [alec] * Fixed Bug #19770: Make cid generator more unique on Windows [alec] * Fixed Bug #19987: E_STRICT warning when null is passed by reference [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2014-05-14</date> <version> <release>1.8.9</release> <api>1.4.3</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fixed Bug #20273: Incorrect handling of HTAB in encodeHeader() [alec] * Fixed Bug #20226: Mail_mimePart::encodeHeader does not encode ISO-2022-JP string [alec] * Fixed Bug #20222: Broken Compatybility with PHP4 [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2015-07-05</date> <time>12:50:00</time> <version> <release>1.9.0RC1</release> <api>2.0.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>beta</release> <api>beta</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Drop PHP4 support, Fix warnings on PHP7 [alec] * Request #20564: Added possibility to unset headers [alec] * Request #20563: Added isMultipart() method [alec] * Request #20565: Accept also a file pointer in Mail_mimePart::encodeToFile(), Mail_mime::get() and Mail_mime::saveMessageBody() [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2015-08-06</date> <time>12:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.9.0</release> <api>1.9.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Bug #20921: Make Mail_mimePart::encodeHeaderValue() a static method [alec] * Bug #20931: Really remove unset headers [alec] * Request #18772: Added methods for creating text/calendar messages [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2015-09-13</date> <time>12:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.0</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Add possibility to add externally created Mail_mimePart objects as attachments [alec] * Add possibility to set preamble text for multipart messages [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2017-05-21</date> <time>12:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.1</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug 21206: explodeQuotedString() does not handle quoted strings correctly [dfukagaw28] * Fix Bug 21205: Invalid encoding of headers with quoted multibyte strings in non-unicode charset [dfukagaw28] * Fix Bug 21098: Discrepancy in handling of empty (but set) plain text part [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2017-11-17</date> <time>11:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.2</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix Bug #21255: Boundary gets added twice when using setContentType() [alec] * PHP 7.2 compatibility fixes [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2019-09-25</date> <time>08:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.3</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix deprecation warning for get_magic_quotes_runtime() use on PHP 7.4 [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2019-10-13</date> <time>11:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.4</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix E_STRICT errors introduced in the previous release [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2020-01-24</date> <time>19:00:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.5</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Make sure to not set Content-Transfer-Encoding on multipart messages [alec] * Added support for calendar invitations with attachments/html/images [jacalben] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2020-01-30</date> <time>08:25:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.6</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix different boundary in headers and body when using headers() after get() [alec] * Removed phail.php script [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2020-03-01</date> <time>08:50:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.7</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix invalid Content-Type for messages with only html part and inline images [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2020-06-13</date> <time>08:50:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.8</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Fix encoding issues with ISO-2022-JP-MS input labelled with ISO-2022-JP [shirosaki] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2020-06-27</date> <time>10:30:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.9</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Added a workaround for an opcache bug on OpenSuse 15.1 [alec] </notes> </release> <release> <date>2021-01-17</date> <time>09:25:00</time> <version> <release>1.10.10</release> <api>1.10.0</api> </version> <stability> <release>stable</release> <api>stable</api> </stability> <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD Style</license> <notes> * Compatibility fixes for PHP 5.2 and 5.3 [alec] * Corrected soft line breaks handling to be RFC compliant [ixs] * Corrected line breaks for lines ending in dots and length more than 74 [ixs] </notes> </release> </changelog> </package>
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