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# # httpproxy.rb -- HTTPProxy Class # # Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers # Copyright (c) 2002 GOTO Kentaro # Copyright (c) 2002 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights # reserved. # # $IPR: httpproxy.rb,v 1.18 2003/03/08 18:58:10 gotoyuzo Exp $ # $kNotwork: straw.rb,v 1.3 2002/02/12 15:13:07 gotoken Exp $ require "webrick/httpserver" require "net/http" Net::HTTP::version_1_2 if RUBY_VERSION < "1.7" module WEBrick NullReader = Object.new # :nodoc: class << NullReader # :nodoc: def read(*args) nil end alias gets read end FakeProxyURI = Object.new # :nodoc: class << FakeProxyURI # :nodoc: def method_missing(meth, *args) if %w(scheme host port path query userinfo).member?(meth.to_s) return nil end super end end # :startdoc: ## # An HTTP Proxy server which proxies GET, HEAD and POST requests. # # To create a simple proxy server: # # require 'webrick' # require 'webrick/httpproxy' # # proxy = WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new Port: 8000 # # trap 'INT' do proxy.shutdown end # trap 'TERM' do proxy.shutdown end # # proxy.start # # See ::new for proxy-specific configuration items. # # == Modifying proxied responses # # To modify content the proxy server returns use the +:ProxyContentHandler+ # option: # # handler = proc do |req, res| # if res['content-type'] == 'text/plain' then # res.body << "\nThis content was proxied!\n" # end # end # # proxy = # WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.new Port: 8000, ProxyContentHandler: handler class HTTPProxyServer < HTTPServer ## # Proxy server configurations. The proxy server handles the following # configuration items in addition to those supported by HTTPServer: # # :ProxyAuthProc:: Called with a request and response to authorize a # request # :ProxyVia:: Appended to the via header # :ProxyURI:: The proxy server's URI # :ProxyContentHandler:: Called with a request and response and allows # modification of the response # :ProxyTimeout:: Sets the proxy timeouts to 30 seconds for open and 60 # seconds for read operations def initialize(config={}, default=Config::HTTP) super(config, default) c = @config @via = "#{c[:HTTPVersion]} #{c[:ServerName]}:#{c[:Port]}" end # :stopdoc: def service(req, res) if req.request_method == "CONNECT" do_CONNECT(req, res) elsif req.unparsed_uri =~ %r!^http://! proxy_service(req, res) else super(req, res) end end def proxy_auth(req, res) if proc = @config[:ProxyAuthProc] proc.call(req, res) end req.header.delete("proxy-authorization") end def proxy_uri(req, res) # should return upstream proxy server's URI return @config[:ProxyURI] end def proxy_service(req, res) # Proxy Authentication proxy_auth(req, res) begin self.send("do_#{req.request_method}", req, res) rescue NoMethodError raise HTTPStatus::MethodNotAllowed, "unsupported method `#{req.request_method}'." rescue => err logger.debug("#{err.class}: #{err.message}") raise HTTPStatus::ServiceUnavailable, err.message end # Process contents if handler = @config[:ProxyContentHandler] handler.call(req, res) end end def do_CONNECT(req, res) # Proxy Authentication proxy_auth(req, res) ua = Thread.current[:WEBrickSocket] # User-Agent raise HTTPStatus::InternalServerError, "[BUG] cannot get socket" unless ua host, port = req.unparsed_uri.split(":", 2) # Proxy authentication for upstream proxy server if proxy = proxy_uri(req, res) proxy_request_line = "CONNECT #{host}:#{port} HTTP/1.0" if proxy.userinfo credentials = "Basic " + [proxy.userinfo].pack("m").delete("\n") end host, port = proxy.host, proxy.port end begin @logger.debug("CONNECT: upstream proxy is `#{host}:#{port}'.") os = TCPSocket.new(host, port) # origin server if proxy @logger.debug("CONNECT: sending a Request-Line") os << proxy_request_line << CRLF @logger.debug("CONNECT: > #{proxy_request_line}") if credentials @logger.debug("CONNECT: sending a credentials") os << "Proxy-Authorization: " << credentials << CRLF end os << CRLF proxy_status_line = os.gets(LF) @logger.debug("CONNECT: read a Status-Line form the upstream server") @logger.debug("CONNECT: < #{proxy_status_line}") if %r{^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+200\s*} =~ proxy_status_line while line = os.gets(LF) break if /\A(#{CRLF}|#{LF})\z/om =~ line end else raise HTTPStatus::BadGateway end end @logger.debug("CONNECT #{host}:#{port}: succeeded") res.status = HTTPStatus::RC_OK rescue => ex @logger.debug("CONNECT #{host}:#{port}: failed `#{ex.message}'") res.set_error(ex) raise HTTPStatus::EOFError ensure if handler = @config[:ProxyContentHandler] handler.call(req, res) end res.send_response(ua) access_log(@config, req, res) # Should clear request-line not to send the response twice. # see: HTTPServer#run req.parse(NullReader) rescue nil end begin while fds = IO::select([ua, os]) if fds[0].member?(ua) buf = ua.sysread(1024); @logger.debug("CONNECT: #{buf.bytesize} byte from User-Agent") os.syswrite(buf) elsif fds[0].member?(os) buf = os.sysread(1024); @logger.debug("CONNECT: #{buf.bytesize} byte from #{host}:#{port}") ua.syswrite(buf) end end rescue => ex os.close @logger.debug("CONNECT #{host}:#{port}: closed") end raise HTTPStatus::EOFError end def do_GET(req, res) perform_proxy_request(req, res) do |http, path, header| http.get(path, header) end end def do_HEAD(req, res) perform_proxy_request(req, res) do |http, path, header| http.head(path, header) end end def do_POST(req, res) perform_proxy_request(req, res) do |http, path, header| http.post(path, req.body || "", header) end end def do_OPTIONS(req, res) res['allow'] = "GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,CONNECT" end private # Some header fields should not be transferred. HopByHop = %w( connection keep-alive proxy-authenticate upgrade proxy-authorization te trailers transfer-encoding ) ShouldNotTransfer = %w( set-cookie proxy-connection ) def split_field(f) f ? f.split(/,\s+/).collect{|i| i.downcase } : [] end def choose_header(src, dst) connections = split_field(src['connection']) src.each{|key, value| key = key.downcase if HopByHop.member?(key) || # RFC2616: 13.5.1 connections.member?(key) || # RFC2616: 14.10 ShouldNotTransfer.member?(key) # pragmatics @logger.debug("choose_header: `#{key}: #{value}'") next end dst[key] = value } end # Net::HTTP is stupid about the multiple header fields. # Here is workaround: def set_cookie(src, dst) if str = src['set-cookie'] cookies = [] str.split(/,\s*/).each{|token| if /^[^=]+;/o =~ token cookies[-1] << ", " << token elsif /=/o =~ token cookies << token else cookies[-1] << ", " << token end } dst.cookies.replace(cookies) end end def set_via(h) if @config[:ProxyVia] if h['via'] h['via'] << ", " << @via else h['via'] = @via end end end def setup_proxy_header(req, res) # Choose header fields to transfer header = Hash.new choose_header(req, header) set_via(header) return header end def setup_upstream_proxy_authentication(req, res, header) if upstream = proxy_uri(req, res) if upstream.userinfo header['proxy-authorization'] = "Basic " + [upstream.userinfo].pack("m").delete("\n") end return upstream end return FakeProxyURI end def perform_proxy_request(req, res) uri = req.request_uri path = uri.path.dup path << "?" << uri.query if uri.query header = setup_proxy_header(req, res) upstream = setup_upstream_proxy_authentication(req, res, header) response = nil http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port, upstream.host, upstream.port) http.start do if @config[:ProxyTimeout] ################################## these issues are http.open_timeout = 30 # secs # necessary (maybe because http.read_timeout = 60 # secs # Ruby's bug, but why?) ################################## end response = yield(http, path, header) end # Persistent connection requirements are mysterious for me. # So I will close the connection in every response. res['proxy-connection'] = "close" res['connection'] = "close" # Convert Net::HTTP::HTTPResponse to WEBrick::HTTPResponse res.status = response.code.to_i choose_header(response, res) set_cookie(response, res) set_via(res) res.body = response.body end # :stopdoc: end end
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