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lsapi - LSAPI extension for Ruby ================================ INSTALL ------- $ ruby setup.rb config $ ruby setup.rb setup # ruby setup.rb install USAGE ----- General CGI scripts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The most efficient way to use LSAPI interface is to modify your CGI scripts. You need to add the following code to your CGI scripts: require 'lsapi' while LSAPI.accept != nil <your CGI script> ... end There is no need to change the way that how CGI environment variables are being accessed in your scripts. You can find some examples under examples/ folder. Ruby Script Runner ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you don't want to change your existing Ruby CGI code, you can use our Ruby script runner under scripts/ folder. You need to configure lsruby_runner.rb as a LSAPI application, then add a script handler for "rb" suffix. Rails dispatcher ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With Ruby LSAPI, we proudly provide a optimum platform for Rails application deployment. Ruby LSAPI has the following advantages over other solutions. * Easy configuration, deploy a Rails application only take a few clicks with our Rails easy configuration * Fast startup, the expensive Rails framework initialization only takes place once when multiple processes need to be started * Resource efficience, ruby processes can be started on demand, idle process will be stop. To use LSAPI with Ruby on Rails, please check out our toturial http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php There are a few environment variables that can be tweaked to tune ruby LSAPI process. * LSAPI_CHILDREN (default: 0) LSAPI_CHILDREN controls the maximum number of children processes can be started by the first ruby process started by web server. When set to <=1, the first ruby process will handle request by itself, without starting any child process. When LSAPI_CHILDREN is >1, the LSAPI application is stared in "Self Managed Mode", which will start children processes based on demand. With Rails easy configuration, LSAPI_CHILDREN is set to the value of "Max Connections" by web server, no need to set it explicitly. Usually, there is no need to set value of LSAPI_CHILDREN over 100 in most server environment. * LSAPI_AVOID_FORK (default: 0) LSAPI_AVOID_FORK specifies the policy of the internal process manager in "Self Managed Mode". When set to 0, the internal process manager will stop and start children process on demand to save system resource. This is preferred in a shared hosting environment. When set to 1, the internal process manager will try to avoid freqently stopping and starting children process. This might be preferred in a dedicate hosting environment. * LSAPI_EXTRA_CHILDREN (default: 1/3 of LSAPI_CHILDREN or 0) LSAPI_EXTRA_CHILDREN controls the maximum number of extra children processes can be started when some or all existing children processes are in malfunctioning state. Total number of children processes will be reduced to LSAPI_CHILDREN level as soon as service is back to normal. When LSAPI_AVOID_FORK is set to 0, the default value is 1/3 of LSAPI_CHIDLREN, When LSAPI_AVOID_FORK is set to 1, the default value is 0. * LSAPI_MAX_REQS (default value: 10000) LSAPI_MAX_REQS specifies the maximum number of requests each child process will handle before it exits automatically. This parameter can help reducing memory usage when there are memory leaks in the application. * LSAPI_MAX_IDLE (default value: 300 seconds) In Self Managed Mode, LSAPI_MAX_IDLE controls how long a idle child process will wait for a new request before exit. This option help releasing system resources taken by idle processes. * LSAPI_MAX_IDLE_CHILDREN (default value: 1/3 of LSAPI_CHILDREN or LSAPI_CHILDREN) In Self Managed Mode, LSAI_MAX_IDLE_CHILDREN controls how many idle children processes are allowed. Excessive idle children processes will be killed by the parent process. When LSAPI_AVOID_FORK is set to 0, the default value is 1/3 of LSAPI_CHIDLREN, When LSAPI_AVOID_FORK is set to 1, the default value is LSAPI_CHILDREN. * LSAPI_MAX_PROCESS_TIME (default value: 300 seconds) In Self Managed Mode, LSAPI_MAX_PROCESS_TIME controls the maximum processing time allowed when processing a request. If a child process can not finish processing of a request in the given time period, it will be killed by the parent process. This option can help getting rid of dead or runaway child process. * LSAPI_PGRP_MAX_IDLE (default value: FOREVER ) In Self Managed Mode, LSAPI_PGRP_MAX_IDLE controls how long the parent process will wait before exiting when there is no child process. This option help releasing system resources taken by an idle parent process. * LSAPI_PPID_NO_CHECK By default a LSAPI application check the existence of its parent process and exits automatically if the parent process died. This is to reduce orphan process when web server is restarted. However, it is desireable to disable this feature, such as when a LSAPI process was started manually from command line. LSAPI_PPID_NO_CHECK should be set when you want to disable the checking of existence of parent process. License ------- LSAPI library code is under BSD license LSAPI ruby extension code is under Ruby license * ((<URL:http://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/LICENSE.txt>)) (Japanese) * ((<URL:http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt>)) (English) Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 2006 Lite Speed Technologies Inc.
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