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files >> //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/lib64/nagios/plugins/nccustom/check_mem.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Heavily based on the script from: # check_mem.pl Copyright (C) 2000 Dan Larsson <dl@tyfon.net> # heavily modified by # Justin Ellison <justin@techadvise.com> # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2011 justin@techadvise.com # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies # or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT # OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # Tell Perl what we need to use use strict; use Getopt::Std; #TODO - Convert to Nagios::Plugin #TODO - Use an alarm # Predefined exit codes for Nagios use vars qw($opt_c $opt_f $opt_u $opt_w $opt_C $opt_v %exit_codes); %exit_codes = ('UNKNOWN' , 3, 'OK' , 0, 'WARNING' , 1, 'CRITICAL', 2, ); # Get our variables, do our checking: init(); # Get the numbers: my ($free_memory_kb,$used_memory_kb,$caches_kb) = get_memory_info(); print "$free_memory_kb Free\n$used_memory_kb Used\n$caches_kb Cache\n" if ($opt_v); if ($opt_C) { #Do we count caches as free? $used_memory_kb -= $caches_kb; $free_memory_kb += $caches_kb; } # Round to the nearest KB $free_memory_kb = sprintf('%d',$free_memory_kb); $used_memory_kb = sprintf('%d',$used_memory_kb); $caches_kb = sprintf('%d',$caches_kb); # Tell Nagios what we came up with tell_nagios($used_memory_kb,$free_memory_kb,$caches_kb); sub tell_nagios { my ($used,$free,$caches) = @_; # Calculate Total Memory my $total = $free + $used; print "$total Total\n" if ($opt_v); my $perf_warn; my $perf_crit; if ( $opt_u ) { $perf_warn = int(${total} * $opt_w / 100); $perf_crit = int(${total} * $opt_c / 100); } else { $perf_warn = int(${total} * ( 100 - $opt_w ) / 100); $perf_crit = int(${total} * ( 100 - $opt_c ) / 100); } my $perfdata = "|TOTAL=${total}KB;;;; USED=${used}KB;${perf_warn};${perf_crit};; FREE=${free}KB;;;; CACHES=${caches}KB;;;;"; if ($opt_f) { my $percent = sprintf "%.1f", ($free / $total * 100); if ($percent <= $opt_c) { finish("CRITICAL - $percent% ($free kB) free!$perfdata",$exit_codes{'CRITICAL'}); } elsif ($percent <= $opt_w) { finish("WARNING - $percent% ($free kB) free!$perfdata",$exit_codes{'WARNING'}); } else { finish("OK - $percent% ($free kB) free.$perfdata",$exit_codes{'OK'}); } } elsif ($opt_u) { my $percent = sprintf "%.1f", ($used / $total * 100); if ($percent >= $opt_c) { finish("CRITICAL - $percent% ($used kB) used!$perfdata",$exit_codes{'CRITICAL'}); } elsif ($percent >= $opt_w) { finish("WARNING - $percent% ($used kB) used!$perfdata",$exit_codes{'WARNING'}); } else { finish("OK - $percent% ($used kB) used.$perfdata",$exit_codes{'OK'}); } } } # Show usage sub usage() { print "\ncheck_mem.pl v1.0 - Nagios Plugin\n\n"; print "usage:\n"; print " check_mem.pl -<f|u> -w <warnlevel> -c <critlevel>\n\n"; print "options:\n"; print " -f Check FREE memory\n"; print " -u Check USED memory\n"; print " -C Count OS caches as FREE memory\n"; print " -w PERCENT Percent free/used when to warn\n"; print " -c PERCENT Percent free/used when critical\n"; print "\nCopyright (C) 2000 Dan Larsson <dl\@tyfon.net>\n"; print "check_mem.pl comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY either implied or explicit\n"; print "This program is licensed under the terms of the\n"; print "MIT License (check source code for details)\n"; exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'}; } sub get_memory_info { my $used_memory_kb = 0; my $free_memory_kb = 0; my $total_memory_kb = 0; my $caches_kb = 0; my $uname; if ( -e '/usr/bin/uname') { $uname = `/usr/bin/uname -a`; } elsif ( -e '/bin/uname') { $uname = `/bin/uname -a`; } else { die "Unable to find uname in /usr/bin or /bin!\n"; } print "uname returns $uname" if ($opt_v); if ( $uname =~ /Linux/ ) { my @meminfo = `/bin/cat /proc/meminfo`; foreach (@meminfo) { chomp; if (/^Mem(Total|Free):\s+(\d+) kB/) { my $counter_name = $1; if ($counter_name eq 'Free') { $free_memory_kb = $2; } elsif ($counter_name eq 'Total') { $total_memory_kb = $2; } } elsif (/^(Buffers|Cached|SReclaimable):\s+(\d+) kB/) { $caches_kb += $2; } elsif (/^Shmem:\s+(\d+) kB/) { $caches_kb -= $1; } } $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } elsif ( $uname =~ /HP-UX/ ) { # HP-UX, thanks to Christoph Fürstaller my @meminfo = `/usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/kmeminfo`; foreach (@meminfo) { chomp; if (/^Physical memory\s\s+=\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d)g/) { $total_memory_kb = ($2 * 1024 * 1024); } elsif (/^Free memory\s\s+=\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+.\d)g/) { $free_memory_kb = ($2 * 1024 * 1024); } } $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } elsif ( $uname =~ /FreeBSD/ ) { # The FreeBSD case. 2013-03-19 www.claudiokuenzler.com # free mem = Inactive*Page Size + Cache*Page Size + Free*Page Size my $pagesize = `sysctl vm.stats.vm.v_page_size`; $pagesize =~ s/[^0-9]//g; my $mem_inactive = 0; my $mem_cache = 0; my $mem_free = 0; my $mem_total = 0; my $free_memory = 0; my @meminfo = `/sbin/sysctl vm.stats.vm`; foreach (@meminfo) { chomp; if (/^vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count:\s+(\d+)/) { $mem_inactive = ($1 * $pagesize); } elsif (/^vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count:\s+(\d+)/) { $mem_cache = ($1 * $pagesize); } elsif (/^vm.stats.vm.v_free_count:\s+(\d+)/) { $mem_free = ($1 * $pagesize); } elsif (/^vm.stats.vm.v_page_count:\s+(\d+)/) { $mem_total = ($1 * $pagesize); } } $free_memory = $mem_inactive + $mem_cache + $mem_free; $free_memory_kb = ( $free_memory / 1024); $total_memory_kb = ( $mem_total / 1024); $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; $caches_kb = ($mem_cache / 1024); } elsif ( $uname =~ /joyent/ ) { # The SmartOS case. 2014-01-10 www.claudiokuenzler.com # free mem = pagesfree * pagesize my $pagesize = `pagesize`; my $phys_pages = `kstat -p unix:0:system_pages:pagestotal | awk '{print \$NF}'`; my $free_pages = `kstat -p unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree | awk '{print \$NF}'`; my $arc_size = `kstat -p zfs:0:arcstats:size | awk '{print \$NF}'`; my $arc_size_kb = $arc_size / 1024; print "Pagesize is $pagesize" if ($opt_v); print "Total pages is $phys_pages" if ($opt_v); print "Free pages is $free_pages" if ($opt_v); print "Arc size is $arc_size" if ($opt_v); $caches_kb += $arc_size_kb; $total_memory_kb = $phys_pages * $pagesize / 1024; $free_memory_kb = $free_pages * $pagesize / 1024; $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } elsif ( $uname =~ /SunOS/ ) { eval "use Sun::Solaris::Kstat"; if ($@) { #Kstat not available if ($opt_C) { print "You can't report on Solaris caches without Sun::Solaris::Kstat available!\n"; exit $exit_codes{UNKNOWN}; } my @vmstat = `/usr/bin/vmstat 1 2`; my $line; foreach (@vmstat) { chomp; $line = $_; } $free_memory_kb = (split(/ /,$line))[5] / 1024; my @prtconf = `/usr/sbin/prtconf`; foreach (@prtconf) { if (/^Memory size: (\d+) Megabytes/) { $total_memory_kb = $1 * 1024; } } $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } else { # We have kstat my $kstat = Sun::Solaris::Kstat->new(); my $phys_pages = ${kstat}->{unix}->{0}->{system_pages}->{physmem}; my $free_pages = ${kstat}->{unix}->{0}->{system_pages}->{freemem}; # We probably should account for UFS caching here, but it's unclear # to me how to determine UFS's cache size. There's inode_cache, # and maybe the physmem variable in the system_pages module?? # In the real world, it looks to be so small as not to really matter, # so we don't grab it. If someone can give me code that does this, # I'd be glad to put it in. my $arc_size = (exists ${kstat}->{zfs} && ${kstat}->{zfs}->{0}->{arcstats}->{size}) ? ${kstat}->{zfs}->{0}->{arcstats}->{size} / 1024 : 0; $caches_kb += $arc_size; my $pagesize = `pagesize`; $total_memory_kb = $phys_pages * $pagesize / 1024; $free_memory_kb = $free_pages * $pagesize / 1024; $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } } elsif ( $uname =~ /Darwin/ ) { $total_memory_kb = (split(/ /,`/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.memsize`))[1]/1024; my $pagesize = (split(/ /,`/usr/sbin/sysctl hw.pagesize`))[1]; $caches_kb = 0; my @vm_stat = `/usr/bin/vm_stat`; foreach (@vm_stat) { chomp; if (/^(Pages free):\s+(\d+)\.$/) { $free_memory_kb = $2*$pagesize/1024; } # 'caching' concept works different on MACH # this should be a reasonable approximation elsif (/^Pages (inactive|purgable):\s+(\d+).$/) { $caches_kb += $2*$pagesize/1024; } } $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } elsif ( $uname =~ /AIX/ ) { my @meminfo = `/usr/bin/vmstat -vh`; foreach (@meminfo) { chomp; if (/^\s*([0-9.]+)\s+(.*)/) { my $counter_name = $2; if ($counter_name eq 'memory pages') { $total_memory_kb = $1*4; } if ($counter_name eq 'free pages') { $free_memory_kb = $1*4; } if ($counter_name eq 'file pages') { $caches_kb = $1*4; } if ($counter_name eq 'Number of 4k page frames loaned') { $free_memory_kb += $1*4; } } } $used_memory_kb = $total_memory_kb - $free_memory_kb; } else { if ($opt_C) { print "You can't report on $uname caches!\n"; exit $exit_codes{UNKNOWN}; } my $command_line = `vmstat | tail -1 | awk '{print \$4,\$5}'`; chomp $command_line; my @memlist = split(/ /, $command_line); # Define the calculating scalars $used_memory_kb = $memlist[0]/1024; $free_memory_kb = $memlist[1]/1024; $total_memory_kb = $used_memory_kb + $free_memory_kb; } return ($free_memory_kb,$used_memory_kb,$caches_kb); } sub init { # Get the options if ($#ARGV le 0) { &usage; } else { getopts('c:fuCvw:'); } # Shortcircuit the switches if (!$opt_w or $opt_w == 0 or !$opt_c or $opt_c == 0) { print "*** You must define WARN and CRITICAL levels!\n"; &usage; } elsif (!$opt_f and !$opt_u) { print "*** You must select to monitor either USED or FREE memory!\n"; &usage; } # Check if levels are sane if ($opt_w <= $opt_c and $opt_f) { print "*** WARN level must not be less than CRITICAL when checking FREE memory!\n"; &usage; } elsif ($opt_w >= $opt_c and $opt_u) { print "*** WARN level must not be greater than CRITICAL when checking USED memory!\n"; &usage; } } sub finish { my ($msg,$state) = @_; print "$msg\n"; exit $state; }
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