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files >> //proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/ruby24/lib64/ruby/2.4.0/rss/1.0.rb
# frozen_string_literal: false require "rss/parser" module RSS ## # = RSS 1.0 support # # RSS has three different versions. This module contains support for version # 1.0[http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/] # # == Producing RSS 1.0 # # Producing our own RSS feeds is easy as well. Let's make a very basic feed: # # require "rss" # # rss = RSS::Maker.make("1.0") do |maker| # maker.channel.language = "en" # maker.channel.author = "matz" # maker.channel.about = "About my feed." # maker.channel.updated = Time.now.to_s # maker.channel.link = "http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/feeds/news.rss" # maker.channel.title = "Example Feed" # maker.channel.description = "A longer description of my feed." # maker.items.new_item do |item| # item.link = "http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2010/12/25/ruby-1-9-2-p136-is-released/" # item.title = "Ruby 1.9.2-p136 is released" # item.updated = Time.now.to_s # end # end # # puts rss # # As you can see, this is a very Builder-like DSL. This code will spit out an # RSS 1.0 feed with one item. If we needed a second item, we'd make another # block with maker.items.new_item and build a second one. module RSS10 NSPOOL = {} ELEMENTS = [] def self.append_features(klass) super klass.install_must_call_validator('', ::RSS::URI) end end class RDF < Element include RSS10 include RootElementMixin class << self def required_uri URI end end @tag_name = 'RDF' PREFIX = 'rdf' URI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" install_ns('', ::RSS::URI) install_ns(PREFIX, URI) [ ["channel", nil], ["image", "?"], ["item", "+", :children], ["textinput", "?"], ].each do |tag, occurs, type| type ||= :child __send__("install_have_#{type}_element", tag, ::RSS::URI, occurs) end alias_method(:rss_version, :feed_version) def initialize(version=nil, encoding=nil, standalone=nil) super('1.0', version, encoding, standalone) @feed_type = "rss" end def full_name tag_name_with_prefix(PREFIX) end class Li < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri URI end end [ ["resource", [URI, ""], true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required) end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.resource = args[0] end end def full_name tag_name_with_prefix(PREFIX) end end class Seq < Element include RSS10 Li = ::RSS::RDF::Li class << self def required_uri URI end end @tag_name = 'Seq' install_have_children_element("li", URI, "*") install_must_call_validator('rdf', ::RSS::RDF::URI) def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() @li = args[0] if args[0] end end def full_name tag_name_with_prefix(PREFIX) end def setup_maker(target) lis.each do |li| target << li.resource end end end class Bag < Element include RSS10 Li = ::RSS::RDF::Li class << self def required_uri URI end end @tag_name = 'Bag' install_have_children_element("li", URI, "*") install_must_call_validator('rdf', URI) def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() @li = args[0] if args[0] end end def full_name tag_name_with_prefix(PREFIX) end def setup_maker(target) lis.each do |li| target << li.resource end end end class Channel < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end [ ['title', nil, :text], ['link', nil, :text], ['description', nil, :text], ['image', '?', :have_child], ['items', nil, :have_child], ['textinput', '?', :have_child], ].each do |tag, occurs, type| __send__("install_#{type}_element", tag, ::RSS::URI, occurs) end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.about = args[0] end end private def maker_target(maker) maker.channel end def setup_maker_attributes(channel) channel.about = about end class Image < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["resource", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.resource = args[0] end end end class Textinput < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["resource", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.resource = args[0] end end end class Items < Element include RSS10 Seq = ::RSS::RDF::Seq class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end install_have_child_element("Seq", URI, nil) install_must_call_validator('rdf', URI) def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.Seq = args[0] end self.Seq ||= Seq.new end def resources if @Seq @Seq.lis.collect do |li| li.resource end else [] end end end end class Image < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end %w(title url link).each do |name| install_text_element(name, ::RSS::URI, nil) end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.about = args[0] end end private def maker_target(maker) maker.image end end class Item < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end [ ["title", nil], ["link", nil], ["description", "?"], ].each do |tag, occurs| install_text_element(tag, ::RSS::URI, occurs) end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.about = args[0] end end private def maker_target(items) if items.respond_to?("items") # For backward compatibility items = items.items end items.new_item end end class Textinput < Element include RSS10 class << self def required_uri ::RSS::URI end end [ ["about", URI, true] ].each do |name, uri, required| install_get_attribute(name, uri, required, nil, nil, "#{PREFIX}:#{name}") end %w(title description name link).each do |name| install_text_element(name, ::RSS::URI, nil) end def initialize(*args) if Utils.element_initialize_arguments?(args) super else super() self.about = args[0] end end private def maker_target(maker) maker.textinput end end end RSS10::ELEMENTS.each do |name| BaseListener.install_get_text_element(URI, name, name) end module ListenerMixin private def initial_start_RDF(tag_name, prefix, attrs, ns) check_ns(tag_name, prefix, ns, RDF::URI, false) @rss = RDF.new(@version, @encoding, @standalone) @rss.do_validate = @do_validate @rss.xml_stylesheets = @xml_stylesheets @last_element = @rss pr = Proc.new do |text, tags| @rss.validate_for_stream(tags, @ignore_unknown_element) if @do_validate end @proc_stack.push(pr) end end end
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