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files >> //proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/ruby26/lib64/ruby/2.6.0/ripper/lexer.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true # # $Id: lexer.rb 67208 2019-03-11 06:52:01Z naruse $ # # Copyright (c) 2004,2005 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute and/or modify this program under the Ruby License. # For details of Ruby License, see ruby/COPYING. # require 'ripper/core' class Ripper # Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of strings. # # p Ripper.tokenize("def m(a) nil end") # # => ["def", " ", "m", "(", "a", ")", " ", "nil", " ", "end"] # def Ripper.tokenize(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1) Lexer.new(src, filename, lineno).tokenize end # Tokenizes the Ruby program and returns an array of an array, # which is formatted like # <code>[[lineno, column], type, token, state]</code>. # # require 'ripper' # require 'pp' # # pp Ripper.lex("def m(a) nil end") # #=> [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def", Ripper::EXPR_FNAME ], # [[1, 3], :on_sp, " ", Ripper::EXPR_FNAME ], # [[1, 4], :on_ident, "m", Ripper::EXPR_ENDFN ], # [[1, 5], :on_lparen, "(", Ripper::EXPR_LABEL | Ripper::EXPR_BEG], # [[1, 6], :on_ident, "a", Ripper::EXPR_ARG ], # [[1, 7], :on_rparen, ")", Ripper::EXPR_ENDFN ], # [[1, 8], :on_sp, " ", Ripper::EXPR_BEG ], # [[1, 9], :on_kw, "nil", Ripper::EXPR_END ], # [[1, 12], :on_sp, " ", Ripper::EXPR_END ], # [[1, 13], :on_kw, "end", Ripper::EXPR_END ]] # def Ripper.lex(src, filename = '-', lineno = 1) Lexer.new(src, filename, lineno).lex end class Lexer < ::Ripper #:nodoc: internal use only State = Struct.new(:to_int, :to_s) do alias to_i to_int def initialize(i) super(i, Ripper.lex_state_name(i)).freeze end def inspect; "#<#{self.class}: #{self}>" end def pretty_print(q) q.text(to_s) end def ==(i) super or to_int == i end def &(i) self.class.new(to_int & i) end def |(i) self.class.new(to_int & i) end def allbits?(i) to_int.allbits?(i) end def anybits?(i) to_int.anybits?(i) end def nobits?(i) to_int.nobits?(i) end end Elem = Struct.new(:pos, :event, :tok, :state) do def initialize(pos, event, tok, state) super(pos, event, tok, State.new(state)) end end def tokenize parse().sort_by(&:pos).map(&:tok) end def lex parse().sort_by(&:pos).map(&:to_a) end def parse @buf = [] @stack = [] super @buf.flatten! @buf end private unless SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.key?(:ignored_sp) SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE[:ignored_sp] = 1 SCANNER_EVENTS << :ignored_sp EVENTS << :ignored_sp end def on_heredoc_dedent(v, w) ignored_sp = [] heredoc = @buf.last heredoc.each_with_index do |e, i| if Elem === e and e.event == :on_tstring_content and e.pos[1].zero? tok = e.tok.dup if w > 0 and /\A\s/ =~ e.tok if (n = dedent_string(e.tok, w)) > 0 if e.tok.empty? e.tok = tok[0, n] e.event = :on_ignored_sp next end ignored_sp << [i, Elem.new(e.pos.dup, :on_ignored_sp, tok[0, n], e.state)] e.pos[1] += n end end end ignored_sp.reverse_each do |i, e| heredoc[i, 0] = [e] end v end def on_heredoc_beg(tok) @stack.push @buf buf = [] @buf << buf @buf = buf @buf.push Elem.new([lineno(), column()], __callee__, tok, state()) end def on_heredoc_end(tok) @buf.push Elem.new([lineno(), column()], __callee__, tok, state()) @buf = @stack.pop end def _push_token(tok) @buf.push Elem.new([lineno(), column()], __callee__, tok, state()) end (SCANNER_EVENTS.map {|event|:"on_#{event}"} - private_instance_methods(false)).each do |event| alias_method event, :_push_token end end # [EXPERIMENTAL] # Parses +src+ and return a string which was matched to +pattern+. # +pattern+ should be described as Regexp. # # require 'ripper' # # p Ripper.slice('def m(a) nil end', 'ident') #=> "m" # p Ripper.slice('def m(a) nil end', '[ident lparen rparen]+') #=> "m(a)" # p Ripper.slice("<<EOS\nstring\nEOS", # 'heredoc_beg nl $(tstring_content*) heredoc_end', 1) # #=> "string\n" # def Ripper.slice(src, pattern, n = 0) if m = token_match(src, pattern) then m.string(n) else nil end end def Ripper.token_match(src, pattern) #:nodoc: TokenPattern.compile(pattern).match(src) end class TokenPattern #:nodoc: class Error < ::StandardError # :nodoc: end class CompileError < Error # :nodoc: end class MatchError < Error # :nodoc: end class << self alias compile new end def initialize(pattern) @source = pattern @re = compile(pattern) end def match(str) match_list(::Ripper.lex(str)) end def match_list(tokens) if m = @re.match(map_tokens(tokens)) then MatchData.new(tokens, m) else nil end end private def compile(pattern) if m = /[^\w\s$()\[\]{}?*+\.]/.match(pattern) raise CompileError, "invalid char in pattern: #{m[0].inspect}" end buf = +'' pattern.scan(/(?:\w+|\$\(|[()\[\]\{\}?*+\.]+)/) do |tok| case tok when /\w/ buf.concat map_token(tok) when '$(' buf.concat '(' when '(' buf.concat '(?:' when /[?*\[\])\.]/ buf.concat tok else raise 'must not happen' end end Regexp.compile(buf) rescue RegexpError => err raise CompileError, err.message end def map_tokens(tokens) tokens.map {|pos,type,str| map_token(type.to_s.delete_prefix('on_')) }.join end MAP = {} seed = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.each do |ev, | raise CompileError, "[RIPPER FATAL] too many system token" if seed.empty? MAP[ev.to_s.delete_prefix('on_')] = seed.shift end def map_token(tok) MAP[tok] or raise CompileError, "unknown token: #{tok}" end class MatchData # :nodoc: def initialize(tokens, match) @tokens = tokens @match = match end def string(n = 0) return nil unless @match match(n).join end private def match(n = 0) return [] unless @match @tokens[@match.begin(n)...@match.end(n)].map {|pos,type,str| str } end end end end
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