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files >> //usr/src/litespeed-wp-plugin/6.5.4/litespeed-cache/cli/image.cls.php
<?php namespace LiteSpeed\CLI; defined('WPINC') || exit(); use LiteSpeed\Lang; use LiteSpeed\Debug2; use LiteSpeed\Img_Optm; use LiteSpeed\Utility; use WP_CLI; /** * Image Optm API CLI */ class Image { private $__img_optm; public function __construct() { Debug2::debug('CLI_Cloud init'); $this->__img_optm = Img_Optm::cls(); } /** * Batch toggle optimized images w/ original images * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Switch to original images * $ wp litespeed-image batch_switch orig * * # Switch to optimized images * $ wp litespeed-image batch_switch optm * */ public function batch_switch($param) { $type = $param[0]; $this->__img_optm->batch_switch($type); } /** * Send image optimization request to QUIC.cloud server * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Send image optimization request * $ wp litespeed-image push * */ public function push() { $this->__img_optm->new_req(); } /** * Pull optimized images from QUIC.cloud server * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Pull images back from cloud * $ wp litespeed-image pull * */ public function pull() { $this->__img_optm->pull(true); } /** * Show optimization status based on local data * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Show optimization status * $ wp litespeed-image s * */ public function s() { $this->status(); } /** * Show optimization status based on local data * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Show optimization status * $ wp litespeed-image status * */ public function status() { $summary = Img_Optm::get_summary(); $img_count = $this->__img_optm->img_count(); foreach (Lang::img_status() as $k => $v) { if (isset($img_count["img.$k"])) { $img_count["$v - images"] = $img_count["img.$k"]; unset($img_count["img.$k"]); } if (isset($img_count["group.$k"])) { $img_count["$v - groups"] = $img_count["group.$k"]; unset($img_count["group.$k"]); } } foreach (array('reduced', 'reduced_webp') as $v) { if (!empty($summary[$v])) { $summary[$v] = Utility::real_size($summary[$v]); } } if (!empty($summary['last_requested'])) { $summary['last_requested'] = date('m/d/y H:i:s', $summary['last_requested']); } $list = array(); foreach ($summary as $k => $v) { $list[] = array('key' => $k, 'value' => $v); } $list2 = array(); foreach ($img_count as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { continue; } $list2[] = array('key' => $k, 'value' => $v); } WP_CLI\Utils\format_items('table', $list, array('key', 'value')); WP_CLI::line(WP_CLI::colorize('%CImages in database summary:%n')); WP_CLI\Utils\format_items('table', $list2, array('key', 'value')); } /** * Clean up unfinished image data from QUIC.cloud server * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Clean up unfinished requests * $ wp litespeed-image clean * */ public function clean() { $this->__img_optm->clean(); WP_CLI::line(WP_CLI::colorize('%CLatest status:%n')); $this->status(); } /** * Remove original image backups * * ## OPTIONS * * ## EXAMPLES * * # Remove original image backups * $ wp litespeed-image rm_bkup * */ public function rm_bkup() { $this->__img_optm->rm_bkup(); } }
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