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home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins/ckeditor/README.md 0000644 00000002500 14643504073 0016355 0 ustar 00 CKEditor 4 ========== Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. http://ckeditor.com - See LICENSE.md for license information. CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's not a replacement for desktop text editors like Word or OpenOffice, but a component to be used as part of web applications and websites. ## Documentation The full editor documentation is available online at the following address: http://docs.ckeditor.com ## Installation Installing CKEditor is an easy task. Just follow these simple steps: 1. **Download** the latest version from the CKEditor website: http://ckeditor.com. You should have already completed this step, but be sure you have the very latest version. 2. **Extract** (decompress) the downloaded file into the root of your website. **Note:** CKEditor is by default installed in the `ckeditor` folder. You can place the files in whichever you want though. ## Checking Your Installation The editor comes with a few sample pages that can be used to verify that installation proceeded properly. Take a look at the `samples` directory. To test your installation, just call the following page at your website: http://<your site>/<CKEditor installation path>/samples/index.html For example: http://www.example.com/ckeditor/samples/index.html home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins/image-picker-master/README.md 0000644 00000000467 14655145432 0020414 0 ustar 00 # Image Picker Image Picker is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface. # Installation Just download the latest build and add the corresponding .js and .css to your assets directory # Examples and doc Visit http://rvera.github.com/image-picker home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins_old/ckeditor/README.md 0000644 00000002500 14656603431 0017215 0 ustar 00 CKEditor 4 ========== Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. http://ckeditor.com - See LICENSE.md for license information. CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's not a replacement for desktop text editors like Word or OpenOffice, but a component to be used as part of web applications and websites. ## Documentation The full editor documentation is available online at the following address: http://docs.ckeditor.com ## Installation Installing CKEditor is an easy task. Just follow these simple steps: 1. **Download** the latest version from the CKEditor website: http://ckeditor.com. You should have already completed this step, but be sure you have the very latest version. 2. **Extract** (decompress) the downloaded file into the root of your website. **Note:** CKEditor is by default installed in the `ckeditor` folder. You can place the files in whichever you want though. ## Checking Your Installation The editor comes with a few sample pages that can be used to verify that installation proceeded properly. Take a look at the `samples` directory. To test your installation, just call the following page at your website: http://<your site>/<CKEditor installation path>/samples/index.html For example: http://www.example.com/ckeditor/samples/index.html home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/README.md 0000644 00000001723 14661022026 0021160 0 ustar 00 CKEditor SCAYT Plugin ===================== This plugin brings Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) into up to CKEditor 4+. SCAYT is a "installation-less", using the web-services of [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). It's an out of the box solution. Installation ------------ 1. Clone/copy this repository contents in a new "plugins/scayt" folder in your CKEditor installation. 2. Enable the "scayt" plugin in the CKEditor configuration file (config.js): config.extraPlugins = 'scayt'; That's all. SCAYT will appear on the editor toolbar and will be ready to use. License ------- Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) and [MPL](http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html). See LICENSE.md for more information. Developed in cooperation with [WebSpellChecker.net](http://www.webspellchecker.net/). home/papecmvm/public_html/application/third_party/aws/guzzlehttp/guzzle/README.md 0000644 00000007072 14670346571 0024276 0 ustar 00 Guzzle, PHP HTTP client ======================= [![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/github/release/guzzle/guzzle.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/releases) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/guzzle/guzzle.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/guzzle/guzzle) [![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/guzzlehttp/guzzle.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/guzzlehttp/guzzle) Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services. - Simple interface for building query strings, POST requests, streaming large uploads, streaming large downloads, using HTTP cookies, uploading JSON data, etc... - Can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface. - Uses PSR-7 interfaces for requests, responses, and streams. This allows you to utilize other PSR-7 compatible libraries with Guzzle. - Abstracts away the underlying HTTP transport, allowing you to write environment and transport agnostic code; i.e., no hard dependency on cURL, PHP streams, sockets, or non-blocking event loops. - Middleware system allows you to augment and compose client behavior. ```php $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $response = $client->request('GET', 'https://api.github.com/repos/guzzle/guzzle'); echo $response->getStatusCode(); # 200 echo $response->getHeaderLine('content-type'); # 'application/json; charset=utf8' echo $response->getBody(); # '{"id": 1420053, "name": "guzzle", ...}' # Send an asynchronous request. $request = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org'); $promise = $client->sendAsync($request)->then(function ($response) { echo 'I completed! ' . $response->getBody(); }); $promise->wait(); ``` ## Help and docs - [Documentation](http://guzzlephp.org/) - [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/guzzle) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/guzzle/guzzle) ## Installing Guzzle The recommended way to install Guzzle is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.org). ```bash # Install Composer curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php ``` Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of Guzzle: ```bash composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle ``` After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader: ```php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; ``` You can then later update Guzzle using composer: ```bash composer update ``` ## Version Guidance | Version | Status | Packagist | Namespace | Repo | Docs | PSR-7 | PHP Version | |---------|------------|---------------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|-------------| | 3.x | EOL | `guzzle/guzzle` | `Guzzle` | [v3][guzzle-3-repo] | [v3][guzzle-3-docs] | No | >= 5.3.3 | | 4.x | EOL | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v4][guzzle-4-repo] | N/A | No | >= 5.4 | | 5.x | Maintained | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v5][guzzle-5-repo] | [v5][guzzle-5-docs] | No | >= 5.4 | | 6.x | Latest | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v6][guzzle-6-repo] | [v6][guzzle-6-docs] | Yes | >= 5.5 | [guzzle-3-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle3 [guzzle-4-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/4.x [guzzle-5-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/5.3 [guzzle-6-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle [guzzle-3-docs]: http://guzzle3.readthedocs.org [guzzle-5-docs]: http://guzzle.readthedocs.org/en/5.3/ [guzzle-6-docs]: http://guzzle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins_old/ckeditor/kcfinder/README.md 0000644 00000004015 14704024277 0021004 0 ustar 00 # KCFinder web file manager http://kcfinder.sunhater.com Pavel Tzonkov (sunhater@sunhater.com) ## Overview KCFinder is free open-source replacement of CKFinder web file manager. It can be integrated into FCKeditor, CKEditor, and TinyMCE WYSIWYG web editors (or your custom web applications) to upload and manage images, flash movies, and other files that can be embedded into an editor's generated HTML content. ## Licenses * GNU General Public License, version 3 * GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 ## Features * Ajax engine with JSON responses * Multiple files upload * Upload files using HTML5 drag and drop from local file manager * Drag and drop images from external HTML pages. Multiple images can be dropped using selection (Firefox only) * Download multiple files or a folder as single ZIP file * Select multiple files with the Ctrl/Command key * Clipboard for copying, moving and downloading multiple files * Easy to integrate and configure in web applications * Option to select and return several files. For custom applications only * Resize uploaded images. Configurable maximum image resolution * PNG watermark support * Configurable thumbnail resolution * Automaticaly rotate and/or flip uploaded images depending on the orientation info EXIF tag if it exist * Multiple themes support * Multilanguage system * Preview images in full size ## Compatibility * KCFinder is officialy tested on Apache 2 web server only, but probably it will work on other web servers. * PHP 5.3 or better is required. Safe mode should be off. * At least one of these PHP extensions is required: GD, ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. * To work with client-side HTTP cache, the PHP must be installed as Apache module. * KCFinder supports MIME type recognition for the uploaded files. If you plan to use this feature, you should to load Fileinfo PHP extension. * PHP ZIP extension should be loaded in order to have an option to download multiple files and directories as single ZIP file. * Automatic rotating and flipping images requires PHP EXIF extension. home/papecmvm/public_html/plugins/ckeditor/kcfinder/README.md 0000644 00000004015 14705524773 0020155 0 ustar 00 # KCFinder web file manager http://kcfinder.sunhater.com Pavel Tzonkov (sunhater@sunhater.com) ## Overview KCFinder is free open-source replacement of CKFinder web file manager. It can be integrated into FCKeditor, CKEditor, and TinyMCE WYSIWYG web editors (or your custom web applications) to upload and manage images, flash movies, and other files that can be embedded into an editor's generated HTML content. ## Licenses * GNU General Public License, version 3 * GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 ## Features * Ajax engine with JSON responses * Multiple files upload * Upload files using HTML5 drag and drop from local file manager * Drag and drop images from external HTML pages. Multiple images can be dropped using selection (Firefox only) * Download multiple files or a folder as single ZIP file * Select multiple files with the Ctrl/Command key * Clipboard for copying, moving and downloading multiple files * Easy to integrate and configure in web applications * Option to select and return several files. For custom applications only * Resize uploaded images. Configurable maximum image resolution * PNG watermark support * Configurable thumbnail resolution * Automaticaly rotate and/or flip uploaded images depending on the orientation info EXIF tag if it exist * Multiple themes support * Multilanguage system * Preview images in full size ## Compatibility * KCFinder is officialy tested on Apache 2 web server only, but probably it will work on other web servers. * PHP 5.3 or better is required. Safe mode should be off. * At least one of these PHP extensions is required: GD, ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick. * To work with client-side HTTP cache, the PHP must be installed as Apache module. * KCFinder supports MIME type recognition for the uploaded files. If you plan to use this feature, you should to load Fileinfo PHP extension. * PHP ZIP extension should be loaded in order to have an option to download multiple files and directories as single ZIP file. * Automatic rotating and flipping images requires PHP EXIF extension.
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